
Venus Valentina Wong


“Venus Valentina Wong is an extremely efficient and bright international arbitration attorney.” “She is responsive, smart and has a great legal mind.”

– Chambers Global

About Venus Valentina Wong

Venus Valentina Wong is a member of the Disputes team and co-heads the firm-wide arbitration practice. She specialises in international commercial and investment arbitration. Valentina has acted in more than 80 arbitration and other ADR cases under the major arbitration rules, including ICC, LCIA, VIAC, DIS, Swiss Rules, ASEAC, CAS and UNCITRAL. She has distinct experience with parties from the CEE/SEE region, Turkey, as well as from China and Hong Kong. Being fluent in Chinese, Valentina is also a member of the firm’s Asia Desk. After having served as assistant professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Valentina worked for two boutique law firms as well as at the ICC International Court of Arbitration in Paris and at CIETAC in Beijing. Valentina currently serves as the Austrian Alternate Member of the ICC Court of International Arbitration.


University of Vienna (Dr. iur.), 2006
University of Vienna, National Taiwan Normal University (Bakk. phil.), 2004
University of Vienna, University of Amsterdam (Mag. iur.), 2000


German, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), English, French