Improved technology and lower costs: how CEE/SEE will meet the EU’s ambitious new climate goals through renewables
As Europe reacts to the impact of the Global COVID-19 pandemic on its populations and budgets, it must not lose sight of the need to proactively implement the recently adopted European Green Deal – not despite the pandemic, but because of it. With Europe reeling from the impacts of COVID-19 and the news cycles dominated […]...
One man’s trash: the story behind the success of Belgrade’s waste-to-energy project
Thirty to forty professionals made polite introductions on the 5th floor of a Belgrade office building and took seats around the large marbled room to follow the PowerPoint presentation. This was the start of the first competitive dialogue meeting for the “PPP Project for the City of Belgrade for the Provision of Services of Treatment […]...
European Islands as drivers of sustainable development in clean energy
Europe’s islands face significant challenges, such as inadequate transport links with the mainland, scarcity of resources, fragile economic activity limited by size and seasonality, unemployment and emigration as the younger population leaves in search of job security. The European Islands Facility – NESOI aims to fund 60 successful energy transition projects which have the greatest […]...
What role can Competition Law play in tackling climate change?
Competition law has long been regarded as an obstacle to achieving environmental goals through cooperation between businesses, since competition enforcers have historically taken account of environmental objectives only under narrow circumstances. In the face of the climate crisis, this is about to change: the European Commission and many national competition authorities are currently rethinking their […]...
Liberalization of the 10h rule as a chance to unblock onshore wind farm potential in Poland
Warsaw, 10 June 2020 – The RES industry is waiting for a change of the 10h rule, which requires wind farms to maintain a distance of not less than ten times its height (10h) from residential buildings. Konrad Kosicki, who heads the Energy Team in the Warsaw office of Wolf Theiss, believes the rule may […]...
Poland may see up to several hundred million Euros in distressed M&A investments
Funds specializing in the acquisition of assets in difficulty are already beginning to actively seek investment opportunities in Poland. It is estimated that such funds currently have between EUR 30 and 40 billion at their disposal, out of which several hundred million euros may go to Poland. However, bankruptcy and restructuring law may be an […]...
Cyber Attacks: Die ersten 72 Stunden zählen. Die jüngsten Cyberattacken – national und international
Laut aktuellen Schätzungen des FBI liegt der durch Cyber-Delikte verursachte Schaden jenseits der 3 Milliarden US-Dollar- Grenze. Zu den klassischen Hacker-Angriffen gesellen sich in der jüngeren Vergangenheit auch Social Engineering-Attacken. Die ersten 72 Stunden nach einem Cyber-Angriff können für die Rechtsverfolgung entscheidend sein, erklärten Wolf Theiss–Rechtsexperten im Rahmen eines Pressegesprächs. “Zeit ist das bedeutendste Element”, […]...