

3 June 2022

Ukraine: use of agricultural land during martial law

The lease of agricultural lands has been simplified and streamlined by adopting the new law No. 2145-IX “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Creation of Conditions to Ensure Food Security Under Martial Law” (the “Law “). The following are the improvements in this area: 1) The Law provides for the automatic extension […]...

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1 June 2022

Safely navigating EU sanctions regimes: how to stay compliant

Practical advice for businesses Objectives and restrictive measures The European Union has repeatedly adopted sanctions against Russia since March 2014 in response to the annexation of Crimea and Russia’s recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk, followed shortly by its military aggression against Ukraine. According to the latest information published by the European Council, these sanctions currently […]...

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31 May 2022

Consumer rights on the rise in Hungary: Updates to consumer protection regulations

Introducing the New Deal for Consumers Part of the ongoing effort aimed at strengthening the rights of consumers in the European Union, and following the most recent implementation of the Digital Content Directive and the update of the Sale of Goods Directive as of 1 January 2022, another major update has arrived in the form […]...

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30 May 2022

Hungarian Energy Market: Producers received a major stop sign for exiting renewable support schemes

(also available in Hungarian below) Background As a result of the recent electricity price increases, producers taking part in both the feed-in-tariff (FiT) and METAR support schemes have started to consider exiting the renewable support schemes, which has brought significant changes in the energy market. In response, the legislator firstly prohibited the possibility to re-enter […]...

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27 May 2022

Revision of the EU rules on asset recovery

The implementation of EU sanctions following the Russian invasion of Ukraine highlights the complexity of identifying assets owned by oligarchs, and which are hidden across different jurisdictions through complex legal and financial structures. So far, Member States have reported frozen assets worth EUR 9,9 billion and blocked EUR 196 billion worth of transactions. In recent […]...

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25 May 2022

Poland: key changes in the advertising of medical devices and medicinal products

*Polish version below Regulatory changes On 26 May 2021, the provisions of the Regulation on medical devices (“Regulation 2017/745“) came into force In 2022, also on 26 May, the provisions of the second Regulation, also directly applicable, on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (“Regulation 2017/746“) enter into force At the same time, the new Medical […]...

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19 May 2022

The outlook on sustainable bonds issuance in the context of the Green Deal

1. What are Sustainable Bonds, Green Bonds & Social Bonds? 2. Outlook on Sustainable Bond Issuance 3. The European Green Deal 4. The Impact of the new Taxonomy Regulation on Green Bonds 5. European Green Bond Standard 6. Transition Financing What are Sustainable Bonds, Green Bonds & Social Bonds? “Sustainable bond” is the generic term […]...

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3 May 2022

Krieg in Zeiten von ESG, Private Enforcement und Strategic Litigation

Was gilt es im Rahmen der ordnungsgemäßen Geschäftsführung zu beachten? Artikel auf englisch Link – Die Presse ESG (Environmental, Social und Governance) beschreibt die Grundprinzipien nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens. Stakeholder haben immer höhere Erwartungen an die ESG-Leistung eines Unternehmens. Während zuletzt aufgrund der Klimakrise das ökologische, nachhaltige Wirtschaften prominentestes der drei ESG-Kriterien war, stellt der Krieg Russlands […]...

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2 May 2022

ESG, private enforcement and strategic litigation in times of war

What to consider in the context of proper business management? (article also available in German) ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) describes the fundamental principles of sustainable business. Stakeholders have increasingly high expectations of a company’s ESG performance. While recently, due to the climate crisis, ecological sustainable management was the most prominent of the three ESG […]...

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28 April 2022

How private individuals track Russian assets

If private creditors access oligarchs’ assets to prevent illegal outflows, this could hit debtors even harder than if the authorities take action. But the search is at their own expense. The enforcement of EU sanctions falls within the responsibility of national authorities in each EU member state. But what can be done if public authorities […]...

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21 April 2022

Secured Finance Transactions: Taking Security, Deal Structures and Emerging Markets

Written for legal practitioners, business professionals and bankers Secured finance transactions are implemented the world over between companies, banks, funds and individuals. They form, and have formed for centuries, an integral part of the world of corporate finance. Yet there are many complexities that need to be considered and understood, including the intricate juxtaposition of laws, […]...

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15 April 2022

The Product Regulation and Liability Review: Austria

High level overview, key legislation, litigation procedures and more The Product Regulation and Liability Review provides a high-level overview of the product liability frameworks in Austria. It also examines the most consequential recent changes and developments, and looks forward to expected future trends. Topics covered include key legislation; regulatory oversight; causes of action; litigation procedures; […]...

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