Client Alerts
Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency imposes a EUR 2.2 million fine on a debt collection company
In early May 2023, the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (AZOP) imposed a fine on a debt collection company in the amount of 2.2 million euros for multiple violations of the personal data protection requirements prescribed by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). This is the maximum fine that AZOP has imposed in Croatia thus far. Circumstances […]...
Serbian government to launch a strategic partnership tender for self-balancing solar power plants
EPS (Elektroprivreda Srbije) seeks a strategic partner to design, build, fund, operate and maintain at least 5 new solar power plants. The purpose of the tender announced by the Serbian Government is to select a company to carry out the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of 5 or more self-balancing solar power plants, for […]...
Schwellenwerte-VO 2023 geht in die Verlängerung
Höhere Schwellenwerte (zumindest) bis Jahresende Die Schwellenwerteverordnung 2023 soll bis 31. Dezember 2023 verlängert werden. Die entsprechende Verordnung wurde am 17. Mai von der Justizministerin unterschrieben. Zur Wirksamkeit der Verordnung bedarf es aber noch einer Zustimmung aller Bundesländer und nachfolgender entsprechender Publikation bis Ende Juni, damit nicht (erneut) eine Geltungslücke eintritt. Da die Verlängerung aber […]...
CJEU: A mere breach of the GDPR does not justify a claim for damages
A claim for damages, however, is not dependent on the non-material damage incurred reaching a certain materiality The Court of the European Union (CJEU) has handed down the first decision on GDPR-damages (C-300/21). In this precedent-setting case, in which WOLF THEISS represented the respondent, the CJEU ruled on three central questions of interpretation regarding non-material […]...
The Digital Markets Act goes live
Regulation (EU) 2022/1925, The Digital Markets Act, is set to apply from 2 May 2023 Addressing digital developments and concerns regarding contestability and fairness in the digital economy, the Digital Markets Act – an ex-ante regulatory system – entered into force on 1 November 2022 and will apply from 2 May 2023. Designed to complement […]...
New whistleblowing legislation takes effect in Hungary
Article also available in Hungarian below What does the new whistleblowing system entail? In line with Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law, the Hungarian Parliament adopted a new law on complaints, whistleblowing and rules for reporting breaches, which replaces […]...
Lockerungen bei der Immobilienkredit-Vergabe in Österreich
Die Novelle zur Kredit-Immobilienfinanzierungsmaßnahmen-Verordnung (KIM-VO) ist seit 1 April 2023 in Kraft. Überlegungen des FMSG zum Erfordernis der Lockerung der Immobilienkredit-Vergabe Zur Begrenzung systemischer Risiken aus der privaten Wohnimmobilienfinanzierung ist am 1 August 2022 die Kredit-Immobilienfinanzierungsmaßnahmen-Verordnung (KIM-VO) in Kraft getreten. Auch wenn das Finanzmarktstabilitätsgremium (FMSG) im Rahmen der Presseaussendung zur 35. Sitzung am 13 Februar […]...
New Foreign Direct Investment screening regime implemented in the Slovak Republic
The Slovak Republic has implemented a new comprehensive FDI screening procedure, with the aim of achieving a delicate balance between maintaining the incoming flow of foreign investment, while offering an effective tool to identify foreign investors and investments which pose a potential threat to the security and public order of the Slovak Republic & the […]...
Croatia’s switch to EUR: checklist for companies
The Croatian Companies Act has been recently amended in order to set the rules for conversion of share capital and stock / share amounts from HRK to EUR. We have prepared a checklist of actions companies should take to implement mandatory conversions. New EUR amounts The table below sets out new EUR amounts of minimum […]...
Whistleblower Protection in Slovenia
Available also in Slovenian below A law for whistleblower protection in the private sector was adopted in Slovenia, which introduces new requirements for internal compliance checks. Is your company ready? The Slovenian Parliament has adopted the Whistleblower Protection Act (“Act“) which will enter into force on 22 February 2023. The Act transposes the provisions of Directive […]...
Ukraine: new regulations allow the postponement of military service for employees in “critical companies”
In late January 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved two new regulations: (i) a new procedure for the “reservation” of employees eligible for military service, and (ii) a procedure for defining the undertakings (companies and enterprises) critical for the functioning of the Ukrainian economy and ensuring the vital activities of the population during […]...
Czech Republic: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has submitted a draft amendment to the Labour Code
The amendment introduces holiday leave for employees hired outside of a standard employment relationship, specifies rules for working from home as well as simplifies e-communication. Although the deadline for transposing the EU’s a) Work-life Balance Directive and b) Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive into national law has already passed, the changes needed to reflect […]...