
Client Alert

16 November 2022

Romania: The single industrial license – one step closer to less bureaucracy

The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 140/2022 regarding the single industrial license (“GEO 140/2022”) was published in the Official Gazette on October 20, 2022 and entered into force on its publication date. As a general note, GEO 140/2022 sets out the legal framework regarding the issuance of the single industrial license and aims to simplify the […]...

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10 November 2022

New Slovenian Prevention of Restriction of Competition Act

The new Prevention of Restriction of Competition Act1 (“PRCA-2”) entered into force on 26 October 2022 and will apply as of 26 January 2023. PRCA-2 was adopted to ensure a more effective implementation of the tasks and competences of the Competition Protection Agency and in order to transpose Directive (EU) 2019/1 to empower the competition […]...

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2 November 2022

Slovakia: Labour Code amendment focuses on transparency & work life balance

Working conditions and work-life balance are the focus of new legislative trends The aim of the Labour Code amendment which imposes new obligations on employers is to secure transparent and predictable working conditions, and to bring about a better work-life balance for employees. This relatively extensive amendment transposes the EU Directive on transparent and predictable […]...

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28 October 2022

Slovenia – it’s time to revise your consumer protection compliance

Consumer Protection Act 1.0 The new Consumer Protection Act entered into force on 26 October 2022, and it is set to apply as of 26 January 2023 The main legislative changes brought by the new Consumer Protection Act (“CPA-1”) relate to the transposition of Directive 2019/771/EU (the Sale of Goods Directive), Directive 2019/770/EU (the Digital […]...

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27 October 2022

Significant overhaul of the Romanian labour code

The Romanian Labour Code has recently experienced significant changes. On 19 October 2022, Law 283/2022 for the amendment and complement of Law 53/2003 – the Labour Code, as well as for the amendment and complement of GEO 57/2019 regarding the Administrative Code was published in the Official Gazette. Focusing on the employment side of Law 283/2022, through these […]...

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25 October 2022

The Unitary Patent System creates a new possibility for patent protection in the European landscape

*this article is available for download below in English and German Unitary Patent System offers new opportunities for companies in Europe and will strongly influence strategic considerations After years of negotiations, the European patent with unitary effect (“Unitary Patent”) and the Unified Patent Court are about to come into existence. This will add a new […]...

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19 October 2022

Slovenia: state aid to businesses in times of an energy crisis

*available also in Slovenian below Government provides non-reimbursable grants for businesses to cope with extremely large increases in energy prices On 10 September 2022, the Law determining the aid to the economy due to high electricity and natural gas prices1 (“ZPGVCEP”) entered into force. The state will provide non-reimbursable grants to businesses to co-finance the […]...

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14 October 2022

EU sanctions against Russia and updates to compliance programmes

Newest EU sanctions take direct aim at oil shipments. Enforcement in certain areas remains problematic After Russia recently illegally annexed several regions of Ukraine (Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson) in late September, the response of the European Union came quickly and as anticipated. By adopting its eighth package of sanctions, the EU joins the Group […]...

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6 October 2022

GDPR damages: EU Advocate General does not let liability get out of hand

No punitive damages – no damages without damage – no “de-minimis” damages Today, the Advocate General delivered his eagerly awaited opinion in case C-300/21. The case deals with fundamental questions as to the conditions under which non-material damages are to be paid for violations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Austrian Supreme Court […]...

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27 September 2022

Romania: Employee Handbook once again mandatory for SMEs

On 14 September 2022, the Romanian Chamber of Deputies sent for promulgation the law rejecting the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 37/2021 (GEO 37/2021) amending and supplementing Law no. 53/2003 of the Labour Code (Labour Code), hereinafter the Rejection Law. This amendment (re)imposes obligations on microenterprises (SMEs) regarding the obligation to draft and implement certain employment-related documents […]...

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26 September 2022

Amendment to the Czech Act on Ultimate Beneficial Owners

Only one year has passed since the new law on the registration of ultimate beneficial owners, i.e. Act No. 37/2021 Coll. (“UBO Act”) became effective in the Czech Republic. However, the Czech government has already enacted an amendment to the UBO Act (i.e. Act No. 245/2022 Coll.) which will become effective on 1 October 2022 […]...

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22 September 2022

New Government Emergency Ordinance Regulating the Romanian Energy Market

On 1 September, 2022, the Romanian Government enacted a new government emergency ordinance (“GEO 119/2022”) regulating the Romanian energy market and which further amends Government Emergency Ordinance No. 27/2022 on the measures applicable to final consumers of electricity and natural gas for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 (“GEO 27/2022”). The most […]...

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