
Client Alert

27 June 2022

New Waste Management Framework in Ukraine

Ukrainian Parliament plans for the country’s future as a sustainable nation and potential European Union membership through the new “Waste Management Law”. Meanwhile, the comprehensive regulating and planning will make the industry more attractive and reliable to investors. On 20 June 2022 the Ukrainian Parliament adopted a draft of the new Law of Ukraine “On […]...

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24 June 2022

Hungarian Energy Market: Energy authority warns on gas contracts for next year as options narrow

*available in Hungarian below “On 1 October, the contracts of free market gas purchasers expire, so it is advisable to ensure that new contracts are concluded now” – the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (HEPURA) said in a recent statement. According to the HEPURA, gas traders will try to reduce their risks by […]...

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17 June 2022

Hungarian Energy Market: notable market changes since launch of WT RES Guide 2022

*available in Hungarian below Wolf Theiss recently issued its comprehensive guide to “Generating Electricity from Renewable Sources in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe” for 2022 (RES Guide), accessible here. Similar to other countries, there has been some movement in Hungary since the publication of the RES Guide. In a recent conference held to discuss the […]...

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9 June 2022

Hungarian Energy Market: Details published of windfall taxes and tax increases affecting the energy sector

(also available in Hungarian below) Key takeaways The Hungarian Government adopted and published the detailed rules of the new windfall taxes and other related amendments affecting the energy sector. The special tax will primarily affect petroleum product manufacturers, power plants producing electricity from renewable energy sources, waste or by using cogeneration, and those liable to […]...

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17 May 2022

Sanktionspaket gegen Russland hat auch vergaberechtliche Folgen

Mit der im April 2022 veröffentlichten Verordnung (EU) 2022/576 über restriktive Maßnahmen angesichts des Kriegs in der Ukraine wurden erstmals auch Sanktionen erlassen, die unmittelbar die Vergabe und die Ausführung öffentlicher Aufträge und Konzessionen betreffen. Das Sanktionspaket umfasst zum einen ein Zuschlagsverbot und zum anderen ein Vertragserfüllungsverbot. Gegenstand der hier relevanten Sanktionen im Bereich der […]...

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4 May 2022

Hungary: update on available grid connection capacities published by MAVIR

(also available in Hungarian below) 1. Background As we reported earlier this year, with effect from 1 April 2021, new, competitive capacity allocation principles were introduced in the Hungarian Electricity Act, bringing conceptual changes to the previous system (see Hungary: First Publication Procedure for Power Plant Connection to Transmission Grid expected in May 2022). According […]...

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4 May 2022

First organised GoO market in Hungary: kick-off in early summer 2022

Trading guarantees of origin (GoO) are becoming more popular in Hungary. Due to the increasing market demands, the Hungarian Power Exchange (HUPX) will launch an organised GoO market from 9 June 2022. Leading up to this, the HUPX recently published the Auction Code of the GoO market (i.e., the HUPX GO platform) effective from 26 […]...

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25 April 2022

New Croatian Whistleblowing Act

A new Whistleblowing Act (‘the Act’) implementing the Directive on the Protection of Persons who Report Breaches of Union Law (Directive (EU) 2019/1937) (‘the Whistleblowing Directive’), came into force in Croatia on 23 April 2022. The new legal framework replaces the existing one which has been in force since 2019. Main protection mechanisms for whistleblowers […]...

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19 April 2022

Romania shifts to stricter rules for non-EU investors

After years with a liberal FDI regime, Romania has shifted to stricter rules for non-EU investors. The new regime entered into force on 18 April 2022. Scope of application The FDI Ordinance imposes stricter scrutiny for investments made by non-EU/ non-EU controlled investors that could potentially raise national security and public order risks or that […]...

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25 March 2022

New Employment Regulation during Martial Law

On 15 March 2022 the Ukrainian Parliament adopted a new Law “On Arrangement of Labor Relations during Martial Law” (the “Law”). The Law has been signed by the President of Ukraine and becomes effective on 24 March 2022. The Law regulates labor relations between employers and employees, provides for more opportunities for employers towards engagement […]...

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10 March 2022

Romania: new state aid scheme for investments in the green hydrogen sector

Objectives and Limitations The Romanian Ministry of Energy has recently closed the public consultation on the state aid scheme targeted at boosting investments in the construction of green hydrogen production capacity in electrolysis plants, financed via the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).  This state aid scheme draft aims to support the expansion of green […]...

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9 March 2022

Hungary: First Publication Procedure for Power Plant Connection to Transmission Grid expected in May 2022

The Hungarian Electricity Transmission System Operator Ltd. (MAVIR or TSO) held a public consultation on 24 February 2022 on the long-awaited, high profile final rules for the connection of power plants to the transmission grid. 1. The New Grid Connection Procedure As we reported earlier this year, with effect from 1 April 2021, new, competitive […]...

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