
Client Alert

31 August 2020

Pharmig code of conduct amended

The Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry has amended the PHARMIG Code of Conduct, effective as of 1 July 2020. All PHARMIG members (currently more than 100 companies) must comply with the code. The new changes include a new prohibition on product branding, a ban on undue benefits for representatives of healthcare or patient organisations, […]...

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31 August 2020

Ukraine: New gambling legislation now in effect

After a 10-year statutory ban on gambling, Ukraine has made a move towards the creation of a regulated gambling market. Even though the topic remains highly debated in Ukrainian society, it is expected that legalization of gambling should facilitate bringing numerous illegal business operators out of the shadows and attract foreign providers. On 11 August […]...

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31 August 2020

The Law Reviews’ international arbitration review – Austria

Valentina Wong and Alexander Zollner authored the Austrian chapter in the 11th edition of The Law Reviews' International Arbitration Review. Their contribution offers a comprehensive overview on topics which arise frequently in arbitrations, such as appointment and challenges of arbitrators, interim measures and judicial assistance, recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards as well as a review of the recent developments affecting international arbitration over the last year....

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13 August 2020

Corporate digital compliance: Four steps to paperless legal communication

Legal communication in Croatia is moving online, including with the courts. By 1 September 2020, companies should register their email address in the court registry and implement the new e-communication system with the courts. The companies can also learn how to comply with e-signature requirements and how to complete contracts online. To learn more, please […]...

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13 August 2020

The new Austrian investment control act: A practical assessment

In mid-July, the Austrian legislature passed a new Investment Control Act – ICA (Investitionskontrollgesetz – InvKG) as proposed by the Austrian Federal Government. It is expected to enter into force and apply shortly after being signed by the Federal President and the Federal Chancellor and its publication in the Official Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt – BGBl). By […]...

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13 August 2020

European commission adopts package of measures for the recovery of the capital markets

On 24 July 2020, the European Commission decided on a package of measures for the recovery of the capital markets. With respect to the Prospectus Regulation, the European Commission proposes temporary measures to address the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and permanent changes to the information requirements and the right of withdrawal in connection […]...

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13 August 2020

Amendment of the Romanian anti-money laundering law & envisaged changes regarding know your client measures

The Romanian government issued a Government Emergency Ordinance which entered into force on 15 July 2020 in order to bring Romanian law in line with the provisions of AMLD 5, the most recent version of the EU’s Directive to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. The government ordinance aims to enhance “know your client” requirements, […]...

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3 August 2020

New system for distribution of companies’ dividends in Romania

As of 15 July 2018, Romanian companies are allowed to distribute dividends to shareholders either quarterly or annually. The new system regarding quarterly distribution of dividends was implemented by Law no. 163/2018 amending and supplementing Accounting Law no. 82/1991, the Companies Law no. 31/1990 as well as Law no.1/2005 on incorporation and operation of cooperative […]...

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3 August 2020

Resale price maintenance in the digital age

European commission issues its first resale price maintenance decisions in over a decade fining four consumer electronics manufacturers for fixing online resale prices – monitoring software and pricing algorithms played a role. On 24 July 2018, the European Commission (“Commission”) fined, in four separate decisions, consumer electronics manufacturers Asus, Denon & Marantz, Philips and Pioneer […]...

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3 August 2020

Romanian energy regulatory authority (“Anre”) has set the mandatory quota for the acquisition of green certificates

Order no. 158/2018 on the establishment of the estimated mandatory quota for the acquisition of green certificates for the period August-December 2018 (“Order no. 158/2018”), issued by the President of ANRE and published in the Official Journal no. 666 of 31 July 2018 came into effect on 1 August 2018. Order no. 158/2018 was issued […]...

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3 August 2020

Update zum WiEReG

Die gesetzliche Frist für die erstmalige Meldung zum Wirtschaftliche Eigentümer Register ist am 1.6.2018 abgelaufen. Mit Informationsschreiben vom 14.5.2018 (GZ.: BMF-460000/0010-III/6/2018) hat das BMF als Registerbehörde mitgeteilt, dass der erste Lauf des automationsunterstützten Zwangsstrafenverfahrens auf den 16.8.2018 verschoben wird. Faktisch war dies eine Verlängerung der Meldefrist für die erstmaligen Meldungen an das Register der wirtschaftlichen […]...

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3 August 2020

Austrian DPA issues blacklist

Regulation on Processing Operations for which a Data Protection Impact Assessment must be carried out On November 9th 2018, the Austrian Data Protection Authority issued a list stipulating data processing operations that in all cases require a data protection impact assessment (“DPIA”). Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the controller must carry out […]...

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