
Client Alert

3 August 2020

GDPR – Six months after entry into force – Introduction of GDPR to Polish law

It has been more than half a year since the entry into force of “GDPR”, i.e., Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing […]...

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3 August 2020

Poland regulates the legal situation of certain financial market participants after a hard Brexit

The President of Poland signed the Act on the rules of conduct of business of certain financial market entities in relation to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “UK”) from the European Union without agreement referred to in Article 50 section 2 of the Treaty on European Union […]...

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3 August 2020

E-Commerce platforms in the focus of the CJEU / E-Commerce Plattformen im Fokus des EUGH

E-commerce platforms are not obligated in all cases to make a telephone number available to consumers before the conclusion of the contract – there are other options. E-Commerce Plattformen sind nicht verpflichtet, dem Verbraucher vor Vertragsabschluss stets die Telefonnummer zur Verfügung zu stellen – es gibt auch andere Optionen. In its decision C-649/19 the CJEU […]...

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3 August 2020

Croatian ultimate beneficial owners register: Deadline – 31 December 2019

In line with the EU’s 4th AML Directive, Croatia has imposed an obligation on all locally established legal entities to register their ultimate beneficial owner(s) with a newly established register by 31 December 2019. The register is intended to increase transparency in business and combat money laundering & terrorist financing. Similar efforts are underway or […]...

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3 August 2020

Neues schweizerisches Prospektrecht bringt “Passporting”-Möglichkeit für EU-Wertpapierprospekte

Das schweizerische Prospektrecht, das in vielen Belangen veraltet ist, wurde ab dem 1. Januar 2020 durch die Einführung des Finanzdienstleistungsgesetzes (FIDLEG) grundlegend erneuert und stark an internationale Standards, insbesondere das Prospektrecht der EU, angeglichen. Die Kollegen von Schellenberg Wittmer waren so freundlich, die wesentlichsten Neuerungen kurz zusammenzufassen. Um mehr zu erfahren, öffnen Sie bitte das […]...

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3 August 2020

The guide to M&A arbitration – The taking of evidence

Andrea Gritsch, Stefan Riegler and Alexander Zollner authored a chapter in the 2nd edition of the GAR Guide to M&A Arbitration. Their contribution, “The Taking of Evidence”, offers a comprehensive overview on topics which arise frequently in M&A arbitrations, such as burden and standard of proof issues, access to documentary evidence, fact witnesses and expert […]...

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3 August 2020

The Inward Investment and International Taxation Review – Tenth edition: Austria

Austria, one of the wealthiest countries in the world and a European Union (EU) Member State, continues to attract investors owing to its stable political and social situation and its geographical position in the centre of Europe. Apart from proximity, historical ties to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have made Austria a […]...

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3 August 2020

The Austria chapter in the government procurement review – 8th edition

Government contracts account for 10 to 20 per cent of gross domestic product in any given country. For foreign bidders it is crucial to gain a full understanding of national procurement markets. Philipp J. Marboe's contribution provides such an insight for Austria, including the pertaining plans by the new government....

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3 August 2020

International comparative legal guides – Corporate governance 2020

Wolf Theiss is pleased to announce its contribution to the prestigious International Comparative Legal Guides publication “Corporate Governance 2020 (13th Edition)“.  This global overview of  corporate governance “hot issues” and trends is authored by top law firms and legal practitioners from multiple countries, with Wolf Theiss lawyers providing valuable insight from its team of lawyers […]...

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3 August 2020

BVERGG 2018: Wie lange muss BIM noch warten?

Entgegen allen Gerüchten: (Noch) keine verpflichtende BIM-Anwendung für öffentliche Bauaufträge Spätestens seitdem das Europäische Parlament 2014 einen Änderungsantrag zu den damaligen Entwürfen der EU-Vergaberichtlinien (2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU) einbrachte, der eine Verpflichtung für öffentliche Auftraggeber enthielt, bei Ausschreibungen Building Information Modeling (BIM) zu verwenden, verbreiteten sich die entsprechenden Schlagzeilen auch in Österreich. "BIM ab 2018 für öffentliche Bauherren verpflichtend!" war etwa zu lesen. Solche Meldungen halten sich bis heute. Letztendlich hat es die EU jedoch den Mitgliedsstaaten überlassen, BIM verpflichtend oder nur freiwillig vorzusehen....

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3 August 2020

Bulgarian energy law amendments introduce domestic natural gas exchange

In an important step towards further liberalisation of its natural gas market, Bulgaria recently published important amendments to its Energy Act, introducing a new framework for a domestic natural gas exchange. The changes aim at enhancing the liquidity and liberalisation of the natural gas market, with potentially important implications for businesses with interests in the […]...

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