
Client Alerts

3 August 2020

BVERGG 2018: Wie lange muss BIM noch warten?

Entgegen allen Gerüchten: (Noch) keine verpflichtende BIM-Anwendung für öffentliche Bauaufträge Spätestens seitdem das Europäische Parlament 2014 einen Änderungsantrag zu den damaligen Entwürfen der EU-Vergaberichtlinien (2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU) einbrachte, der eine Verpflichtung für öffentliche Auftraggeber enthielt, bei Ausschreibungen Building Information Modeling (BIM) zu verwenden, verbreiteten sich die entsprechenden Schlagzeilen auch in Österreich. "BIM ab 2018 für öffentliche Bauherren verpflichtend!" war etwa zu lesen. Solche Meldungen halten sich bis heute. Letztendlich hat es die EU jedoch den Mitgliedsstaaten überlassen, BIM verpflichtend oder nur freiwillig vorzusehen....

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3 August 2020

Bulgarian energy law amendments introduce domestic natural gas exchange

In an important step towards further liberalisation of its natural gas market, Bulgaria recently published important amendments to its Energy Act, introducing a new framework for a domestic natural gas exchange. The changes aim at enhancing the liquidity and liberalisation of the natural gas market, with potentially important implications for businesses with interests in the […]...

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3 August 2020

Romania adopts the single European solution for coupling intraday markets together with Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia

Romania has adopted the single European solution for coupling intraday markets, along with regional neighbors Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. Romania will launch the second wave of coupling of intraday electricity markets on 19 November 2019. To learn more, please open the attached file....

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3 August 2020

Poland: New rules aim to protect SMEs from late payments from larger companies

In the second part of our analysis on the new rules in Poland for payment terms in commercial transactions, we look at provisions set out to protect SMEs. Until recently in Poland, large companies often used their strong market position to shift the financial burden of debt onto SMEs by neglecting to make payments in […]...

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3 August 2020

Deadlines approaching under the new persons with disabilities act

The new Persons with Disabilities Act (PDA) aims to enhance conditions for social and labour integration of people with disabilities in Bulgaria and provides stricter obligations for employers compared to the formerly applicable framework. From April 2019, Rules for Implementation of the PDA were adopted to provide further guidance to employers on the new obligations. First deadline for employers under the new PDA and the Rules is 2 July 2019....

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3 August 2020

EUR 660,000 fine in Poland for violation of personal data protection regulations

On 19 September 2019, the Polish Personal Data Protection Office (“UODO”) announced the imposition highest fine to date for violation of personal data protection regulations. In December 2018, Sp. z o.o. (“”), an online retailer, reported that it was the victim of a cybercrime in which its online customer database was breached. Data of […]...

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3 August 2020

Poland: Missing a payment due date in commercial transactions will become more expensive

As of 1 January 2020, companies will face new regulations in Poland affecting payment terms in commercial transactions, particularly related to admissible time periods, interest rates for late payments, and compensation for debt recovery costs. Therefore, companies should review their contracts with counterparties and/or applicable general terms and conditions in order to comply with the […]...

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31 July 2020

Romania updates its construction laws to encourage real estate development and reduce administrative hurdles

Romania has drastically simplified its administrative rules regarding the construction of new buildings, including the issuance of permits. The changes are designed to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and encourage even more domestic construction. The changes have been welcomed by many to improve a relatively out-of-date framework. The amendments are likely to grease the wheels for further […]...

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31 July 2020

Service vs. employment: New distinguishing criteria under tax law amendments

As of 1 January 2020, the Republic of Croatia put in force amendments to the General Tax Act and Income Tax Act which introduce new specific criteria for distinguishing between the work of employees and service providers. Here we answer why this change was introduced and discuss if such new regulation will bring more clarity […]...

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31 July 2020

Bulgarian gas market – Gas release program

Following the amendments to the Bulgarian Energy Act aiming to ensure completion of the gas market liberalisation and enhance liquidity, on 15 October 2019 Bulgargaz submitted for approval to the Bulgarian energy regulatory body – EWRC, a draft Agreement for the implementation of a gas release program (GRP). The GRP imposes obligations on the Bulgarian […]...

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31 July 2020

European data protection day – Outlook for 2020

Today is European Data Protection Day, and businesses are facing more challenges than ever ensuring compliance with various standards. 2020 promises further exciting developments in terms of the new priorities of the European Data Protection Board, an upcoming decision from the European Court of Justice on standard contractual clauses, and the EU Commission’s forthcoming decision […]...

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31 July 2020

Amendments to the personal income tax law in Serbia impact independent “entrepreneurs”

Serbia has made some amendments to the law on Personal Income Tax (PIT), which introduced, among other things, new rules in connection with the taxation of independent entrepreneurs engaged in “employment-like” relationships. It is expected that the changes will impact the IT industry the most, along with others with a high number of independent entrepreneurs […]...

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