
Client Alert

31 July 2020

Amendment of the Hungarian labour code

Triggering intense emotions and protestation, the bill related to the amendment of the Hungarian Labour Code has been accepted by the Parliament on the 12th of December 2018, and after signature by the President of the Republic entered into effect as of 1 January 2019. In the attached, we summarize the most furiously and frequently […]...

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31 July 2020

Trademark offensive 2.0 – Full adoption of the EU trademark directive in January 2019

Following the implementation of several new provisions of Austrian trademark law in 2017, the second amendment completely implements the EU Trademark Directive in the Austrian Trademark Act (MSchG). It modernizes the concept of trademarks in Austrian law and eases access to the legal protection system. The amendment to the Austrian Trademark Act entered into force on 14 January 2019....

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31 July 2020

Serbia: Companies to register UBOs by 31 January

On 31 December 2018, the Central Register of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (“Central Register”) has been established with the Serbian Business Register Agency (“BRA”). Serbian companies, institutions, as well as branches and representative offices established by foreign investors in Serbia, are among the entities designated by the Serbian Law on Central Register as entities whose legal […]...

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31 July 2020

AML in Bulgaria: New deadlines

On 8th of January 2019 the Rules for Implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering Act (in Bulgarian: Правилник за прилагане на Закона за мерките срещу изпирането на пари) have been published. This is the key piece of legislation that was missing from the framework introduced into the Bulgarian law with the transposition of 4th EU AML […]...

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31 July 2020

Amendments of the trade unions act

On 1 January 2019, important amendments of the Trade Unions Act came into force enabling individuals engaged under civil law contracts, in particular contractors or self-employed individuals, to set up or join trade unions, provided that such individuals do not employ other persons for the same kind of work they perform for the employer. Consequently, […]...

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31 July 2020

Upcoming changes to employment documentation

The Polish Parliament has adopted an act that became effective 1 January 2019 and shortens the retention period of human resource files and allows them to be stored in an electronic form. HOW LONG TO STORE EMPLOYMENT DOCUMENTATION? Former law required employers to store documentation related to an employee and the employment relationship (“employee documentation”) […]...

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31 July 2020

Romania: New law 362/2018 on the security of network and information systems / NIS directive

EU Directive 2016/1148 on Security of Network and Information Systems (the “NIS Directive”) regulates the main EU legislative framework, which aims to achieve a high common level of network and information systems security across the European Union. The NIS Directive applies to so-called Operators of Essential Services (“OESs”) acting in sectors that heavily rely on […]...

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31 July 2020

Czech Republic implements EU trademark directive

What does this mean for my business? The Czech Republic has implemented EU Trademark Directive No. 2015/2436 by way of amending the Czech Trademark Act No. 441/2003, effective as of 1 January 2019. The most important changes can be summarized as follows: Trademarks do not need to be capable of graphic representation in the trademark […]...

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31 July 2020

Bulgaria to implement the EU trade secrets directive

Substantive protection and enhanced procedural framework covering goods and services, business need to implement trade secrets strategies, including identification, protection measures and structure properly potential claims....

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31 July 2020

Austrian GDPR-tracker: Data protection authority on erasure by way of anonymization

Destruction or anonymization of personal data – an appropriate way to comply with the right to erasure? The Austrian Data Protection Authority (DPA) has further consolidated its case law on the right to erasure. Following decisions on the relationship between erasure obligations and legal retention periods as well as on the storage of contact data […]...

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31 July 2020

Bulgaria: Government to launch concession procedures for major transport infrastructure projects

The Bulgarian Council of Ministers adopts an amitious action plan for State Concessions 2019-2020, providing the launch of tenders for major ports and airports. In the context of the pending procedure for Concession of Sofia Airport, the Bulgarian Government affirmed its interest in developing public-private partnerships through concessions in the next couple of years. On […]...

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31 July 2020

New interpretative judgment of the Bulgarian supreme court of cassation on insolvency matters

On 03 December 2018, the Bulgarian Supreme Court of Cassation (“SCC”) published an interpretative judgement under case No. 1/2017 (the “Judgment”), where the Court provides long awaited guidance concerning insolvency proceedings. The Judgment addresses nine questions which were inconsistently resolved by lower courts. Bulgaria has been widely criticized for its inefficient and unreliable insolvency proceedings, […]...

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