
Client Alert

30 July 2020

Április 21-e fordulópont a behajthatatlan követelések áfájának visszatérítésében

2020. április 21-ét követően a behajthatatlan követelések utáni áfa visszaigénylésére már csak jóval szűkebb körben, a 2020. január 1-jétől hatályos jogszabályi rendelkezések alapján lesz lehetőség. Az erről szóló magyar nyelvű hírlevelünket az alábbi linken lehet letölteni. Amennyiben a fentiekkel kapcsolatban segítségre lenne szükségük, szakértőink örömmel állnak rendelkezésükre....

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29 July 2020

Further tightening of foreign direct investment screening in Hungary

On 25 May 2020, the Hungarian Government adopted a new decree which substantially expands the requirements for non-EU investors to seek prior ministerial approval for their investments in Hungarian companies engaged in certain strategic industries. The strategic industries covered by the screening requirement in the new decree are now wide-ranging and go far beyond the […]...

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28 July 2020

CPV-Codes: Neue Vorgaben seit 15.01.2020 zu beachten

Aufgrund einer Entscheidung der Europäischen Kommission ist bei der Bekanntmachung von Vergabeverfahren künftig darauf zu achten, dass der im Bekanntmachungsformular angegebene CPV-Code auch der gewählten Auftragsart entspricht. Je nach Auftragsart müssen daher die folgenden CPV-Codes gewählt werden: für Lieferaufträge: beginnend mit den Ziffern 0 bis 44 oder 48; für Bauaufträge: beginnend mit den Ziffern 45; […]...

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28 July 2020

Polish employee capital plans

On February 8th, 2018, the Polish Ministry of Finance released the long-awaited first draft of the bill on employee capital plans (Ustawa o pracowniczych planach kapitałowych). It is one of the measures implementing the governmental Strategy for Responsible Development (also dubbed Morawiecki's plan after the current Polish prime minister) and aims to increase the financial security of Polish citizens facing a decreasing value of pensions in the existing pension scheme. Another goal is to support the development of the Polish capital market and growth of the Polish economy. Last but not least it will complement the existing pension scheme, the future of which is uncertain due to the low value of savings and increasing life expectancy....

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28 July 2020

Ukraine: Cross-border financing transactions under new currency control regulations

With the effect from 7 February 2019, the Law of Ukraine “On Currency and Currency Operations” no. 2473-VІІІ, dated 21 June 2018 (the “Currency Law”), and regulations of the National Bank of Ukraine (the “NBU”), adopted to implement the Currency Law provisions, introduce a new currency control regime including new rules governing the financial arrangements […]...

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28 July 2020

Wolf Theiss employment spotlight – January 2020

It is our pleasure to share the newest edition of the Wolf Theiss Employment Spotlight, our relaunched monthly e-mail alert that uses real life cases scenarios to inform you about important employment law topics in our dynamic Central, Eastern and Southeastern region. 1. IF YOU ARE A PARENT IN HUNGARY, WE’VE GOT GOOD NEWS FOR […]...

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22 July 2020

The impact of Brexit on real estate in Poland

United Kingdom real estate funds are the third most active investors in the Polish real estate market, following only funds from the U.S. and Germany. The new (and unexpected) reality of Brexit is a prime concern for industry participants at various levels:...

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22 July 2020

Brexit: What’s next for real estate developers, contractors and funders in CEE

The UK referendum has resulted in much work for pundits, not least because there is little certainty when, if at all, the UK will cease to be an EU Member State and what the legal and political framework of its relationship with the EU will be going forward. This note looks at the impact of Brexit real estate developers, constructors and funders projects in CEE and suggests actions that companies should be taking to mitigate any potential negative effects....

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22 July 2020

How does Brexit affect real estate transactions in Austria?

Well, a Brelocation is probably easier right now than it would be in two years' time....

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7 July 2020

Thomson Reuters Practical Law – Private mergers and acquisitions in Hungary: Overview

János Tóth was the author of the Hungarian chapter of Thomson Reuters' global guide to private mergers and acquisitions....

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22 April 2020

The dismissal decision can be validly communicated by e-mail

The High Court of Justice of Romania established in Decision no.34/2016, published in the Official Monitor no.18 dated 9 January 2017, that a dismissal decision which an employer communicates by e-mail is validly communicated....

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22 April 2020

Waste to energy helps to secure Europe’s energy future

Advising in utilities projects that convert waste to energy is just one way that Wolf Theiss helps clients innovate and achieve added value. In advance of his guest presentation in February at the Energy from Waste (EfW) Conference 2017 at the Royal College of Physicians in London, Partner Bryan W. Jardine of Wolf Theiss Bucharest examines the current regulatory and incentive regimes that promote EfW projects in CEE/SEE and takes a look at the wide variation between the different countries....

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