
Client Alerts

31 July 2020

Brexit – Amendments to the Bulgarian immigration law

As part of the Bulgarian government’s measures to prepare for Brexit, a Bill for amendment to the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act (“the Bill”) was adopted by the Bulgarian Parliament on 12 April 2019 and published in the State Gazette on 23 April 2019. The Bill addresses post-Brexit rights of UK nationals in […]...

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31 July 2020

Romania: Labour law amendments – Additional annual leave for In vitro fertilization

Governmental Emergency Ordinance no. 26/2019 entered into force on 23 April 2019 bringing changes to the Romanian Labour Code. Concerned by the low and decreasing birth rate in Romania, and by the fact that on average only 5,000 in vitro fertilizations are performed annually, the Government decided to introduce a new type of paid leave […]...

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31 July 2020

Bulgaria – Further liberalisation of the electricity market at production level

New draft bill amending the Energy Act introduces a number of measures to further integrate RES Generation into the liberalised market and abolish Energy Export Fees On 22 March 2019, a new draft Bill for the amendment and supplementation of the Energy Act (“Bill”) was introduced by MPs from the governing political party. The Bill […]...

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31 July 2020

Austria: encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement

Directive (EU) 2017/828 as regards the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement (the "Directive") to be implemented in Austria until 10 June 2019 aims to create a more attractive environment for shareholders and to improve corporate governance for companies the shares of which are admitted to trading within a Member State....

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31 July 2020

New provisions for the screening of foreign direct investments in Austria

The Austrian Foreign Trade Act (AußWG 2011) contains provisions requiring ex ante approval for certain foreign direct investments (“FDI”) in Austria. On 7 May 2019, the Ministry of Economic Affairs published a consultation draft for amendments to those provisions (“Draft”). The Draft aims to create more transparency and certainty around FDI approval in Austria, and […]...

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31 July 2020

Cartel damages claims: European Commission guidelines to estimate the passing-on of harm caused by cartels

The number of cartel damages claims before national civil courts in Europe has dramatically increased over recent years. The Damages Directive (2014/104/EU) and its implementation into national law have removed a number of obstacles faced by the alleged victims claiming cartel damages before national courts....

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31 July 2020

Poland: Administrative proceedings are becoming digitalized

On May 31, a new legal institution in Polish procedural law came into force. The main goal of the modifications is to further digitalize proceedings. These changes could be a positive development for the judiciary, but on the other hand, they could be viewed as negative, as certain legal constructions can generate very serious problems and threaten the interests of the parties involved....

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31 July 2020

Upcoming changes to the Polish labor code

The work on a particularly significant amendment to the Polish Labor Code has been finalized. On 20 May 2019, the Act amending the Polish Labor Code and other acts ("Act") was passed to the President of Poland for a signature. The Act contains several changes, but the two most significant are related to mobbing and the issuing of work certificates. The first one aims to encourage employers to effectively counteract mobbing and therefore expands a catalog of individuals entitled to demand compensation due to mobbing. The second change provides for an extension to applying for corrections to an employee's work certificate....

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31 July 2020

Notary offices in the Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina deprived from their exclusive authority

The Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopts the Decision by which it ruled that certain provisions of five local laws are contrary to the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina....

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31 July 2020

Bulgaria: Further liberalisation on the electricity market at production level (update)

The Parliament adopted a new Bill amending the Energy Act introducing a number of measures to further integrate RES Generation into the liberalised market and abolishing electricity export fees....

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31 July 2020

Poland: Increase to court fees

On November 7, 2019, the Statute substantially amending the Civil Procedure Code and other Statutes will come into effect. However, some of the changes including the amendments to the Statute on court fees and costs in civil matters (the “Statute on Court Fees”) will come into effect much sooner on August 21, 2019....

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31 July 2020

Serbia: New law on personal data protection

The Serbian Parliament enacted the new Law on Personal Data Protection in November 2018 (published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” no. 87/2018), which will be applicable as of 21 August 2019 (hereinafter: the “New DP Law”). Moreover, the Serbian data protection authority (hereinafter: the “DPA”) has just adopted several by-laws that […]...

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