Client Alerts
Competition council investigations – Brief practical instruction manual
The Romanian Competition Council is assessing, (at the request of the Romanian energy regulator ANRE): (i) the manner by which energy prices are established on the centralized market (OPCOM); (ii) OPCOM's activities generally in the month of January 2017; and (iii) two transactions between yet-unidentified parties in particular. The energy price for the day ahead market ("PZU") for the first week of January was between 184.7 lei / Mhw and 279.6 lei/Mhw, and thereafter rose to 509.2 lei Mhw on 28th of January, with certain suspicious transactions appearing to have been concluded at higher-than-normal prices....
The European account preservation order at a glance – 7 questions & 7 answers
The EU Regulation No 655/2014 of 15 May 2014 established a European Account Preservation Order (“EAPO”). The Regulation became applicable as of 18 January 2017 within the EU except for the United Kingdom and Denmark ....
Claims settlement order in bankruptcy proceedings declared unconstitutional
The Constitutional Court of FBiH has found that the current order of settlement of workers' claims in bankruptcy proceedings is unconstitutional....
Improving the position of secured creditors under registered pledges in Bulgaria
Almost two decades after being adopted following the model of the World Bank and UNCITRAL for non-possessory registered pledges, the Special Pledges Act (the "Act") was substantially amended at the end of 2016. Most of the amendments take immediate effect while those concerning the digitalization of the Central Register of Special Pledges (the "Register") will come into force on 1 September 2018....
The dismissal decision can be validly communicated by e-mail
The High Court of Justice of Romania established in Decision no.34/2016, published in the Official Monitor no.18 dated 9 January 2017, that a dismissal decision which an employer communicates by e-mail is validly communicated....
Waste to energy helps to secure Europe’s energy future
Advising in utilities projects that convert waste to energy is just one way that Wolf Theiss helps clients innovate and achieve added value. In advance of his guest presentation in February at the Energy from Waste (EfW) Conference 2017 at the Royal College of Physicians in London, Partner Bryan W. Jardine of Wolf Theiss Bucharest examines the current regulatory and incentive regimes that promote EfW projects in CEE/SEE and takes a look at the wide variation between the different countries....
January 2017, new rules in financial business activities
The law on financial business activities in FBiH (law) aims at protecting and improving the position of small and medium-sized enterprises acting as creditors in financial transactions....
News from the Austrian parliament
Rights to withdraw from an Insurance Contract will be harmonised in Austria...
Central transportation port – Huge investment in the middle of Poland
THE PENNY HAS DROPPED It's official - the Central Transportation Port (formerly known as Central Airport) will be located between Łódź and Warsaw. It is expected to compete with Europe's largest airports. The construction decision was approved by the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers on March 15. Currently the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction together with the Ministry of Development are preparing a resolution regulating the financing, implementation, and operation of the Central Transportation Port (CPK)....
Special legislation aimed at rescuing Agrokor is now in force
On 6 April 2017 the Croatian Parliament passed the Act on Special Administration Procedure for Companies of Systemic Importance for the Republic of Croatia ("Act"), commonly referred to as Lex Agrokor. The Act was published on the same date and entered into force on 7 April 2017....
Das neue BVergG 2017 – Begutachtungsentwurf veröffentlicht!
Der Begutachtungsentwurf für das Bundesvergabegesetz 2017 ("BVergG"), mit dem das EU-Richtlinienpaket 2014 (siehe ABl Nr. L 94 vom 28.3.2014) nun (endlich) umgesetzt werden soll, liegt nun vor....
Der Beginn der Verjährungsfrist nach § 1489 ABGB
Binnen weniger Monate beschäftigte sich der OGH im Jahr 2017 mit der Frage des Zeitpunkts des Beginns der Verjährungsfrist für Schadenersatzforderungen. Grundsätzlich gilt, dass eine Schadenersatzforderung drei Jahre nach Kenntnis des Schadens und des Schädigers verjährt, die allgemeine Verjährungsfrist beträgt dreißig Jahre....