Client Alerts
Ukraine: Currency control relaxation
To address the challenges stemming from the full-scale war in Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine (the “NBU”) introduced various measures and currency control restrictions in February 2022 to prevent capital outflow from the country. These restrictions have been gradually loosened. On 3 May 2024, the regulator adopted Resolution no. 56, introducing a set of […]...
Register for war damage claims opened
The “Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine” (“Register of Damage”) has opened for the first category of war damage claims; losses or injuries to residential property. In the near future, the Register of Damage plans to expand registration to include additional categories of damages, with a focus on […]...
Green Deal: Neuregulierung geografischer Angaben in der EU
Verordnung (EU) 2024/1143 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 11.4.2024 über geografische Angaben für Wein, Spirituosen und landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse1 und über garantiert traditionelle Spezialitäten und fakultative Qualitätsangaben für landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse Das Wichtigste in Kürze: Ziele der Verordnung: Nachhaltigkeit, Stärkung der Erzeuger, Rechtssicherheit Ziel der Verordnung ist es, ein einheitliches und abschließendes System geografischer Angaben festzulegen, […]...
Employment Brief: Clarification of guidelines on Whistleblowing Officers in Slovakia
The requirements for the Whistleblowing Officer’s (WO) role are covered by various guidelines that have been published by the Slovak Office for Protection of Whistleblowers over the past several months. The multitude of information sources now requires clarification, as the role of the WO leading internal investigations of reports is becoming increasingly prominent. Below we […]...
EU to expand dual-use goods export control and sanctions regimes targeting Russia and Iran
As mentioned in our previous Client Alert (here), the European Commission (EC) proposed new initiatives to strengthen EU economic security in late January 2024. The EC intends to take action with 5 initiatives: This Client Alert focuses on Initiative 3 regarding exports of dual-use goods. In addition, it provides an insight into the most recent […]...
The Euro in Bulgaria: Is a currency shift on the horizon?
The initial political momentum behind Bulgaria’s goal to adopt the euro by 2025 has waned, overshadowed by other urgent issues. Meeting the price stability criterion remains challenging, as, despite a decrease in inflation, it still exceeds the levels seen in the best-performing EU states. Nonetheless, the flexibility granted to Croatia in 2022 suggests that compliance […]...
Employment Brief: Romanian employers must implement a coherent framework for dealing with harassment at work
The Romanian legislator has recently imposed additional anti-harassment obligations on employers, with a focus on gender-based and psychological harassment, which relate to the: (a) Methodology for preventing and combating gender-based and psychological harassment at work, approved by Government Decision no. 970/2023; and the (b) Ratification by Romania of ILO Convention no. 190/2019 concerning the elimination […]...
EC Proposal to enhance EU economic security set to further harmonise FDI Screening throughout the EU
A material revision of the current foreign direct investment screening regulation is under way 1. Background: Material revision is one of the newly proposed economic security initiatives As mentioned in our previous Client Alert (here), the European Commission (EC) proposed new initiatives to strengthen EU economic security in late January 2024. The EC intends to […]...
Wem gehört die E-Ladestation? Was ist eine E-Ladestation sachenrechtlich & ist sie gar ein Superädifikat?
Von den nachfolgenden Überlegungen ist weniger jene Hauseigentümerin betroffen, die auf eigenem Grund eine Wallbox errichtet (sie ist Eigentümerin der Installation); aber wie verhält es sich mit gewerblichen Ladestationenbetreibern, die Ladestationen (samt umfangreicher Anlagenteile, wie Trafos, Kälteanlagen etc) in Hotelgaragen, Shoppingcentern odgl errichten? Die Errichtung dieser E-Ladestationen erfolgt häufig auf fremden Grund, auf Grundlage einer […]...
Life Sciences Bulletin: CJEU ruling on the online sale of OTC medicines may impact Hungarian market
The recent judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) on the sale of over-the-counter (OTC) medicinal products online (C-606/21, decision published on 29.02.2024) may have a direct impact on the existing Hungarian legislation and established market practice. Case summary The Union des Groupements de pharmaciens d’officine (UDGPO) challenged the legality of […]...
AI Act – New rules for tech companies
The adoption of the Artificial Intelligence Act means a wide range of responsibilities for tech businesses in the European Union. This article guides through the new regulatory framework and its practical implications. On 13 March 2024, the European Parliament adopted the AI Act – landmark EU legislation comprehensively addressing all issues connected with the regulatory […]...
ESG in Bulgaria – Five Factors to Watch in 2024
One of the significant questions concerning ESG issues is the cost of transitioning to a more sustainable business environment. Will it result in increased financing costs and restricted access to new borrowing, or will it, on the contrary, lead to the development of new market segments and gradual change? While we cannot provide definitive answers […]...