
Client Alert

22 April 2020

A new tax on commercial real estate to be introduced in Poland

In early October a draft bill introducing a tax on certain types of commercial real estate was submitted by the Ministry of Finance to Parliament for consideration. This new tax may increase the financial burdens of entrepreneurs operating in the real estate sector in Poland....

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22 April 2020

Class actions – Who wants to go first?

Recently, a Class Action Act was adopted which will take effect as of 21 April 2018. The Act aims at providing for an efficient joint pursuit of rights by injured parties that, until now, were discouraged by lengthy and expensive court proceedings....

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26 March 2020

Bulgaria: Recent employment law changes restrict M&A transactions for bad employers

Protection of employees which was given strong support by Bulgarian Parliament led to difficulties in closing M&A transactions...

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26 March 2020

Bulgarian competition watchdog launches a sector inquiry into electricity markets

On 22 January 2018 the Bulgarian Competition Protection Commission ("CPC") announced that it opened a sector inquiry into the electricity markets in Bulgaria. The formal decision has not yet been published. However, the sector inquiry is expected to cover the entire electricity value chain....

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26 March 2020

Bulgaria – Amendments to the energy act in relation to REMIT to be reviewed by the competition protection commission

On 07 February 2018, the Bulgarian Competition Protection Commission ("CPC") initiated Competition Advocacy proceedings in relation to the recently proposed amendments to the Bulgarian Energy Act ("EA"), aiming to increase controlling and enforcement powers of the Bulgarian Energy and Water Regulatory Commission ("EWRC") in respect of possible energy market manipulations under REMIT (Regulation 1227/2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency)....

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26 March 2020

Bulgaria – Competition protection commission recommends amendments of the energy act concerning the heating sector

On 8 February 2018, the Bulgarian Competition Protection Commission ("CPC") issued a Decision in a Competition Advocacy proceeding initiated in 2017 for the assessment of conformity with Competition law of the legal framework applicable to heat energy supply legislation. The Competition Advocacy proceeding analyzed the respective sections of the Energy Act ("EA"), the Heat Energy Supply Ordinance (1) and the General Terms and Conditions of the heating companies....

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1 February 2019

The Bulgarian traders of energy products are facing the market abuse regulation

Effective as of the end of September 2016, Bulgarian traders of energy products must comply with market abuse prevention requirements....

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1 February 2019

Significant improvements in the Ukrainian merger filing process

On 20 September 2016, the Ukrainian competition authority (the "AMC") announced the extension of its so-called amnesty program for merger control violations for another six months....

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1 February 2019

Mandatory electronic mailboxes for legal entities

As of 1 August 2016, the Slovak Republic instituted the mandatory use of electronic mailboxes (accounts) (hereinafter the "emails") for legal entities. The obligation was introduced by Act No. 305/2013 Coll., on e-Government as amended (hereinafter the "Act on e-Government"), whereby the respective state authority was obliged to activate the emails by 1 August 2016....

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1 February 2019

Mandatory RES-E quota benefiting from the GC support scheme was approved

In a shift in green energy policy in Romania, the mandatory RES-Electricity quota benefiting from the green certificate support scheme was approved yesterday by the government....

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1 February 2019

The Serbian commission for the protection of competition publicises its aftermarkets study

The Serbian Commission for the Protection of Competition recently published a market study in which it assessed the state of competition in after-sales services for motor vehicles and home appliances in 2015. The Commission also invited all interested parties to comment on the results of the study by 31 December 2016....

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1 February 2019

Slovakia: Public procurement

Do you take part in public tender procedures and conclude (concession) contracts or framework agreements with public contracting authorities? Do you receive financial means from the state budget, from EU funds or state aid? Do you use state property?...

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