
Client Alerts

1 February 2019

New restrictions in enforcement proceedings in FBIH

New amendments to the Law on Enforcement Proceedings in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina have just come into effect. The amendments additionally protect the FBiH and other public bodies from enforcement proceedings against their assets and restrict the sale of a debtor's real property at a third public auction without an acceptable minimum bid value in general. The amendment affects all creditors which have an enforceable deed against the FBiH or its public bodies, preventing them from settling their claims out of the shares and securities held by these bodies....

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1 February 2019

The implementation norms for the new public and sectorial procurement laws were published by the Romanian government

We provide this update to our newsletter of 2 June 2016, on the entry into force of the new public procurement legislative package consisting of four (4) laws regulating this area, which update relates to the issuance and publication by the Romanian Government of implementation norms for the public and sectorial procurement laws and certain highlights of these new regulations....

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1 February 2019

How retailers can avoid fines from the consumer protection authority

The National Authority for Consumer Protection ("ANPC") imposed sanctions during Q1 2016 upon clothing retailers in Romania, in the aftermath of various inspections targeting compliance with marketing, advertising and labelling regulations....

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1 February 2019

Cancellation of registration of foreign investments in Ukraine

On 31 May 2016, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted amendments to several Ukrainian legislative acts resulting in cancellation of the registration of foreign investment (Draft Law No 2763). The requirement to register foreign investments had existed since 1996 and was a prerequisite for foreign investors to enjoy a number of privileges and protection under the Foreign Investments Act....

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1 February 2019

New public procurement laws have entered into force in Romania on 26 May 2016

On 23 May 2016, the Romanian Official Gazette published the highly anticipated new public procurement package consisting of four (4) laws. The new public procurement laws will apply to all public procurement proceedings initiated after their entry into force and to those public procurement contracts that are concluded after this date....

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1 February 2019

A Ptk. Finanszírozási gyakorlatot érintö módositásai

Jelen Hírlevelünkben a Polgári Törvénykönyvről szóló 2013. évi V. törvény módosításával kapcsolatosan a finanszírozási gyakorlatot érintő jelentősebb változtatásokra térünk ki, melyet az alábbi linkre kattintva lehet letölteni. Egyebekben a Hírlevél részét képező Melléklet tartalmazza a módosuló új, illetve hatályon kívül helyezett szakaszok összefoglalóját. Bízunk benne, hogy az abban foglalt információkat hasznosnak fogja találni....

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1 February 2019

The new general collective agreement for FBIH – Significance for employers

If you're an employer in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, then watch out! A new General Collective Agreement for FBiH has just come into effect changing, inter alia, how the lowest hourly rate, meal allowance and salary increases are calculated. This complements the new Labour Law and regulates issues that it did not cover or were contrary to its provisions....

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1 February 2019

Shareholder agreements in Austria: New regulations won’t offer full protection

Assume nothing. New regulations for civil law partnerships won't prevent a contracting party from terminating a shareholder agreement. Protect yourself and consult an expert....

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1 February 2019

Serbia’s new enforcement law: creditor must choose between court enforcement or private enforcement

In Serbia, the new Law on Enforcement and Security has introduced some changes....

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1 February 2019

România: Nou caz de invalidare de către curtea constituţională a unei prevederi a codului muncii

Curtea Constituţională a declarat ca fiind neconstituţională prevederea din Codul Muncii care permitea angajatorului să suspende contractul individual de muncă pe durata cercetării disciplinare. Pentru mai multe detalii cu privire la această decizie, vă rugăm să găsiţi în acest link Client Alert-ul în varianta integrală....

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1 February 2019

Law on debt discharge to enter into force on 13 May 2016

After controversial debates, Law no. 77/2016 on discharge of mortgage-backed debts through transfer of title over immovable property (the "Law on Debt Discharge") was finally published in the Official Gazette on 28 April 2016 and will enter into force on 13 May 2016....

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1 February 2019

Official publication of the general data protection regulation

The highly anticipated revisions to the EU legal regime for data protection have now been adopted following the publication of the official texts of the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Directive....

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