
Client Alerts

1 February 2019

The renewable energy support scheme in Hungary is being changed

The Government published its draft legislation on 18 March 2016 aiming to override the present renewable energy support scheme of the electricity generation from renewable sources, the essential elements and expected effects of which we summarise in our latest Client Alert....

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1 February 2019


Дългоочакваните промени в европейската правна рамка на търговските марки вече са факт - Регламент (ЕС) 2015/24241 ("Регламентът"), който е с пряка приложимост на територията на всяка държава-членка, влезе в сила на 23 март 2016 г., а Директива (ЕС) 2015/24362 ("Директивата") трябва да бъде транспонирана в националните законодателства на държавите-членки до 14 януари 2019 г....

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1 February 2019

NBU relaxes certain restrictions on the Ukrainian FX market

On 24 March 2016 the National Bank of Ukraine (“NBU”) approved Resolution No. 192 ("Resolution 192"), which introduced changes to the NBU's recent Resolution No. 140 dated 3 March 2016 "On Regulation of the Situation in the Monetary and Foreign Exchange Markets of Ukraine"....

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1 February 2019

EGO 7/2016 and amendments to the construction law and the planning law in Romania

Emergency Government Ordinance no. 7/2016 on several measures for acceleration of the implementation of trans-European transport infrastructure projects, as well as for the amendment and supplementation of certain legislation (“EGO 7/2016”) entered in force on 18 March 2016....

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1 February 2019

Labour law of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina repealed

The Labour Law which entered into force on 20 August 2015 has been repealed and as of 16 March 2016 will no longer have any legal effect. On 17 February 2016, the Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) issued a judgment (Judgment ) stating that the Labour Law of FBiH (Labour Law) was adopted in a procedure contrary to the Rules on Procedures of the House of People of the Parliament....

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1 February 2019

Judgment of the constitutional court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on unconstitutionality of the procedure of enactment of the labour law

Labour Law enacted by the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which entered into force on 20 August 2015, shall be returned into the phase of draft proposal according to the judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina....

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1 February 2019

The new energy security package – A step forward to European natural gas security of supply

On 16 February 2016 the European Commission ('EC') officially presented the new Energy Security Package. The set promotes the EC’s increased role in the energy sector and aims at preventing and mitigating natural gas supply interruptions and increasing the liquidity and interconnection of the European internal energy market. In its current version the package has as a main focus the European natural gas market as it consists of (i) Security of Gas Supply Regulation; (ii) a new and revised Inter Governmental Agreements Decision and (iii) Liquefied natural gas ('LNG') and gas storage strategy....

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1 February 2019

Noi obligatii pentru comerciantii care desfasoara online activitati economice

Va informam ca acei comercianti care desfasoara activitati economice online (prin incheierea online de contracte de vanzare-cumparare de bunuri ori de prestari de servicii) au, incepand cu ianuarie 2016, obligatii suplimentare in relatie cu consumatorii care beneficiaza de serviciile sau produsele lor....

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1 February 2019

Restriction of competition by anchor tenants?

The right of an anchor tenant to prevent the lessor letting commercial premises to third parties has been scrutinized by the European Court of Justice. Such commercial lease agreements may have as their effect the restriction of competition....

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1 February 2019

The European trade mark reform package

Owing to the significant change in the business environment since the establishment of the Community Trade Mark more than fifteen years ago, in December 2015 the European Parliament finally adopted Directive (EU) 2015/2436 and Regulation (EU) 2015/2424 on European Trade Marks....

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1 February 2019

Untreue “neu” und Business Judgment Rule – Was hat sich wirklich geändert?

Seit 1.1.2016 ist der geänderte "Untreueparagraph" in Kraft. Zugleich hat der Gesetzgeber im Aktien- und GmbH-Recht die "Business Judgment Rule" implementiert. Wie sich die Änderungen praktisch auswirken werden, muss sich allerdings erst zeigen. Faktum ist, dass über die drohenden Folgen bei Verstoß gegen die Sorgfaltspflichten eines Geschäftsleiters zunehmend gesprochen wird und diese auch häufiger die Gerichte beschäftigen....

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1 February 2019

EU and US reach deal on safe harbour replacement

It was announced that yesterday the EU and US agreed upon a new arrangement in respect of transatlantic data flows: The Privacy Shield will in the near future deal with personal data transfer across the Atlantic. Please find out more in our attached Client Alert....

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