Client Alerts
Recent changes in Hungarian e-commerce and consumer protection regulations
Since early 2024, Hungarian legislative efforts have brought about several updates to consumer protection regulations. Ranging from novelties in consumer complaints and related processes, increased consumer protections fines, expanded rights of the consumer protection and competition authority to an unexpected obligation imposed on e-commerce providers to include the local postal delivery provider as a delivery […]...
Hungarian legislation reform related to centralised procurement for institutional pharmacies
The governmental decree published on 22 February (No. 33/2024 (II. 22.)) sets forth the establishment of a new project company to manage the provision of inpatient pharmaceuticals in all public hospitals, as well as those private hospitals that choose to join the initiative. The Decree is a follow up to the amendments in the Medicines […]...
Ukraine takes ground-breaking step by legalising medical cannabis to enhance patient care
The President of Ukraine has officially signed Law No. 3528-IX “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the State Regulation of Cannabis Plants for Use in Educational Purposes, Educational, Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities, drugs production, Psychotropic Substances and medicinal products with the aim of increasing patients’ access to the necessary treatment” simply known as […]...
Order of preference and a new capacity allocation regime in the Hungarian green energy market
Decade-long changes in grid connections The latest government package to support further growth in green energy was introduced overnight in mid-week, with an order of preference and changes to the rules of the capacity allocation procedure, to help ensure that increased grid capacity demand is dealt with efficiently and fairly. The published rules will bring […]...
Employment Brief: Review of job titles required in Ukraine
Employers in Ukraine must review job titles in their organisations in line with the recently updated list of professions. In January 2024, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine approved the amendments to the Classifier of Professions (the “Classifier”) containing a formal list of professions that should be used by employers for employee job titles. The […]...
Bosnia and Herzegovina Adopts Sweeping Reforms with New Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Law
In a decisive move, the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), convened in a 2nd emergency session of the House Peoples on 16th February 2024 and passed a new Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF Law). The urgency of its adoption was underscored by the imminent fifth round of evaluation by MONEYVALL, scheduled […]...
Czech Republic: The Consolidation Package and its impact on Labour Law and HR
Practical effects & future outlook As of 1 January 2024, a significant portion of the Consolidation Package (Act No. 349/2023 Coll.) came into effect. However, certain modifications introduced by the Consolidation Package in the field of labour law have not yet been fully implemented in practice, while some other notable changes will take effect from […]...
Life Sciences Bulletin: Recent notable changes to life sciences regulation in Hungary
A reorganisation of the authorities regulating the pharma sector and new legislative pieces havebrought notable changes to the life sciences sector in Hungary. The key changes over the last few months have been:...
European Commission proposes five substantial initiatives to enhance EU economic security
Once implemented, those initiatives will require significantly more efforts from parties involved in trade and foreign investments to ensure regulatory compliance. The pursued security aims will lead to enhanced monitoring, assessments and controls being put in place, which will have to be factored into a reframed regulatory compliance approach by affected parties. In late January […]...
Life Sciences Bulletin: The managed entry agreements race in Slovakia
As 2023 drew to a close, the pharmaceutical sector in Slovakia saw a notably busy period due to a looming deadline for the conclusion of Managed Entry Agreements (MEAs). All medicinal products previously subject to conditional reimbursement were required to undergo resubmission, culminating in the conclusion of MEAs with the Ministry of Health by the […]...
Employment Brief: New rules on platform work in Croatia
Changes to the Croatian Labor Act, governing work for digital platforms, took effect on January 1, 2024. Croatia opted to regulate platform work before the formal adoption of the EU Platform Work Directive. What are the main novelties? Work organization Digital working platforms (e.g., companies offering services through mobile apps for transport or food delivery) […]...
Changes to Hungarian employment law in 2024
This article is available in both English and Hungarian. This year several employment law rules of practical relevance will change in Hungary. These changes will have different entry into force dates, and are all briefly summarised below. Child and parental leave allocation As of 1 January 2024, the conditions for granting child and parental leave […]...