
Client Alert

27 October 2017

Significant changes in the Bulgarian renewable energy sector

On 07.03.2015 amendments to the Act on Energy from Renewable Sources (`AERS`) were introduced through the Bill on Amendment and Supplementation to the Bulgarian Energy Act. These changes entered into force with immediate effect....

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27 October 2017

Latest amendments to the Bulgarian energy act – attempt towards electricity market stability and liberalisation

On 07.03.2015 a Bill of Amendment and Supplementation of the Bulgarian Energy Act has been published with an immediate effect. The Bill introduces amendments to the regulation of the entire energy value chain which affect electricity, gas and heat activities, and the functions of energy regulators....

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27 October 2017

BVergG-Novelle/Faire Vergaben: Erste Informationen zum geplanten Inhalt

Die geplante Novellierung des BVergG zum Stichwort "Faire Vergaben" biegt in die Zielgerade ein. Anbei finden Sie den Wortlaut der bisher bekannt gemachten Informati-onen aus dem Papier zur Regierungsklausur vom 23./24. März 2015 betreffend das Konjunkturpaket:...

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27 October 2017

New directive on non-financial reporting

Directive 2014/95/EU on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large undertakings and groups entered into force on 5 December 2014 (the "NFR Directive"). It introduces new reporting duties in relation to corporate social responsibility of large companies and groups....

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27 October 2017

Bulgarian tax exemption for interest and royalty payments

New amendments to the Bulgarian Corporate Income Tax Act on the taxation of income from interest and royalties entered into force as of 1 January 2015, implementing the requirements of the EC Interest and Royalties Directive....

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27 October 2017

ANRE orders no. 8 and 9/2015

Starting with 4 March 2015, ANRE Order no. 8/2015 on the approval of the mandatory green certificate acquisition quota for 2014 (Order no. 8/2015) and ANRE Order no. 9/2015 on the approval of the pricing values for the acquisition of green certificates and the value of a non-acquired green certificate for 2015 have entered into force (Order no. 9/2015)....

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27 October 2017

Act on amendments to the general tax act

The Act on Amendments to the General Tax Act (“Act”) introducing significant changes to the Croatian tax system, such as binding opinions of the Tax Authority, administrative agreements and administrative settlements enters into force on 17 March 2015....

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27 October 2017

Das Gesetz über die Änderungen und Ergänzungen des allgemeinen Steuergesetzes

Am 17. März 2015 trat das Gesetz zur Änderung des Allgemeinen Steuergesetzes in kraft („Gesetz“). Das Gesetz führt wesentliche Neuerungen des kroatischen Steuersystems ein, wie die verbindliche Stellungnahme der Steuerbehörden, den Verwaltungsvertrag sowie das Verwaltungsabkommen....

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27 October 2017

Natural gas & electricity transactions reporting requirements

On 7th of January 2015 the European Commission adopted Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014 on data reporting implementing Article 8(2) and Article 8(6) of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT)....

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27 October 2017

HETA Asset Resolution – Temporary moratorium imposed by FMA

On 1 March 2015, the Austrian Financial Market Authority has initiated the resolution of HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG. In substance, the resolutoin measures are modelled along the new European resolution regime for Banks ("Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive - BRRD")....

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27 October 2017

New EU data protection rules knocking on the door

"This reform is a necessity, and now it is irreversible. Europe`s directly elected parliamentarians have listened to European citizens and European businesses and, with this vote, have made clear that we need a uniform and strong European data protection law, which will make life easier for business and strengthen the protection of our citizens" - said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU`s Justice Commissioner....

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27 October 2017

Rechtssicherheit adé? EuGH beschränkt Wirkung der Transparenzbekanntmachung

Der EuGH hat sich in einer kürzlich ergangenen Entscheidung mit der Wirkung von so genannten "freiwilligen ex ante-Transparenzbekanntmachungen" (in der Folge "Transparenzbekanntmachung") auseinandergesetzt....

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