
Client Alert

18 May 2017

Kaj se je zgodilo z izvršnim direktorjem banke zaradi lova na internega žvižgača?

Sprejeti pravilnik o internem sistemu prijave kršitev in naročiti programsko opremo, ki omogoča oddajo anonimnih kršitev, je relativno enostavno. Ko družba prejme prijavo internega žvižgača, ki po vrhu vsega zadeva celo njeno najvišje vodstvo, pa se začnejo zadeve lahko precej zapletati. Odmeven primer Barclays banke, o katerem so poročali številni mednarodni mediji, kaže, da se "lov na čarovnice" ne splača. To pa se prepreči le z vzpostavitvijo ustreznega sistema prijav kršitev....

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2 March 2017

Recent developments around Agrokor

A notable event on the Croatian financial market this year has been the financial turmoil around Agrokor d.d., the largest privately owned company in Croatia and one of the leading retailers and agricultural companies in Southeast Europe with over 60,000 employees and 30+ subsidiaries. The material parts of Agrokor's business are located in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina....

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10 January 2017

HETA Asset Resolution- Temporary moratorium imposed by FMA (German)

On 1 March 2015, the Austrian Financial Market Authority has initiated the resolution of HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG. In substance, the resolutoin measures are modelled along the new European resolution regime for Banks ("Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive - BRRD"). Click "Read More" to view the German version of the alert....

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30 October 2015

Legal adviser Wolf Theiss expects 10-15 M&A transactions in Poland in 2015

Legal adviser Wolf Theiss sees its pipeline of pending M&A transactions in Poland more robust than it has been in recent years and expects to carry out between 10 and 15 M&A transactions this year, more by a third than last year, a co-managing partner at the Warsaw office of the consultancy told DealWatch....

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