
Client Alert

30 June 2023

Slovenia: New FDI Screening Rules
Investment Promotion Act

New FDI screening rules to begin to apply on 1 July 2023 The new FDI screening mechanism introduced by the amended Investment Promotion Act (“ZSInv“) substitutes the legal framework that was introduced in 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic, which was temporary in nature.  Key Changes Definition of a Foreign Investor and an FDI The new […]...

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28 June 2023

New rules on recording of work time in Slovenia

*This article is also available in Slovenian (see below). On 22 March 2023, the Slovenian National Assembly adopted the long-awaited amendment to the Labour and Social Security Registers Act (Zakon o evidencah na področju dela in socialne varnosti – ZEPDSV, “Amendment“). The Amendment does not introduce mandatory electronic time and attendance records for all employers, […]...

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26 June 2023

Legislative Changes in Slovenia Related to Cross-Border Services and Employment of Foreign Nationals 

*This article is also available in Slovenian. Act on Cross-Border Services On 22 March 2023, an amendment to the Transnational Provision of Services Act (Zakon o čezmejnem izvajanju storitev – ZČmIS-1, “Act on Cross-Border Services“) was adopted and partially came into force on 18 April 2023, with individual provisions becoming effective on 1 January 2024.  The basis for payment of social […]...

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23 June 2023

Die Umsetzung der Verbandsklagenrichtlinie in Österreich: Womit ist zu rechnen?

Bis zum 25.6.2023 sollen die Umsetzungsbestimmungen der VerbandsklagenRL in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten anwendbar sein. Österreich wird diese Umsetzungsfrist – wie auch mehrere andere EU-Mitgliedstaaten – nicht einhalten. Nachstehender Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit potentiellen Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten der VerbandsklagenRL durch den österreichischen Gesetzgeber. Kollektiver Rechtsschutz und die VerbandsklagenRL Bis zum heutigen Tag ist der kollektive Rechtsschutz in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten […]...

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22 June 2023

Employment Brief: The first deadline from the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act is fast approaching

By 24 August 2023, companies in Austria with 250 or more employees must have established internal reporting channels. Key points for employers to consider are the following: Companies with a headcount between 50 and 249 employees have until 17 December 2023 to set up internal reporting channels. Should you have any questions or like further […]...

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22 June 2023

Employment Brief: Serbia adopts new health and safety regulations

Recently, a new Law on Safety and Health at Work came into effect in Serbia, impacting all employers. This law ensures the implementation of the latest EU standards in terms of safety and health at work (EU Directive 89/391/EEC) as well as harmonisation within current HR regulations in Serbia. Key novelties are:...

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15 June 2023

E-evidence Regulation on the verge of becoming a reality

Securing e-evidence and establishing efficient procedures is key. The E-Evidence Regulation (Council document 5448/23) will enable relevant authorities to address judicial orders for electronic evidence directly to service providers in other member states. Those who fail to respond to these orders within 10 days, or even within 8 hours in urgent cases, will face fines […]...

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13 June 2023

Employment Brief: Regulatory updates from Slovenia

Slovenia has undergone several legislative changes impacting working parents, foreign employees and posted employees. Here are some of the key changes that you should know about, their scope and affected individuals: Should you have any questions or like further details, please contact our lawyers....

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9 June 2023

Romania passes new law regarding Urbanism Requirements for Renewable Energy Projects

Legal Background Recognizing the pressing need to rectify certain conflicting provisions within the existing legal framework applicable to the permitting process of renewable energy projects (as previously reported in the Wolf Theiss Client Alert dated January 12th, 2023 available here), Romanian lawmakers have been working since the start of 2023 to introduce legislative amendments to […]...

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6 June 2023

Croatia introduces new rules regarding work on Sundays

As of 1 July 2023, Croatian retailers must comply with the new statutory provisions regarding retail stores’ working hours, which are primarily aimed at limiting work on Sundays. Amendments to the Trade Act regarding the Sunday working regime were introduced to ensure a better work-life balance for employees and enable those who work in the […]...

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23 May 2023

Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency imposes a EUR 2.2 million fine on a debt collection company

In early May 2023, the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (AZOP) imposed a fine on a debt collection company in the amount of 2.2 million euros for multiple violations of the personal data protection requirements prescribed by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). This is the maximum fine that AZOP has imposed in Croatia thus far. Circumstances […]...

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22 May 2023

Serbian government to launch a strategic partnership tender for self-balancing solar power plants

EPS (Elektroprivreda Srbije) seeks a strategic partner to design, build, fund, operate and maintain at least 5 new solar power plants. The purpose of the tender announced by the Serbian Government is to select a company to carry out the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of 5 or more self-balancing solar power plants, for […]...

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