

28 December 2022

Real estate finance and ESG

Impact of ESG criteria on the real estate industry and new requirements of the financial world Wolf Theiss is co-hosting a conference by Linde Verlag about the impact of ESG criteria on real estate finance. Together with experts from BDO, value one, Danube University Krems, OeKB, Oberbank and Wiener Privatbank, the following topics will be […]...

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5 October 2022

Discussion and Drinks Updates on the Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register Act – Excusable oversight or criminal liability?

Practical ambiguities in the interpretation of the obligations of the Beneficial Owner Register Act and consequences under fiscal criminal law: The general reporting obligations and the obligation to confirm the reporting of beneficial owners annually are already firmly anchored in the compliance system in most companies. In practice, however, there are always ambiguities as to […]...

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13 September 2022

ESG in the real estate industry – how sustainable and socially responsible is the real estate industry?

With the Green Deal, the European Commission pointed the way towards climate protection and a resource-efficient and more sustainable economy. By 2050, the EU is to become climate-neutral, and by 2030 emissions are to be reduced by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels. The real estate industry is one of the biggest emitters of […]...

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