The “G” in ESG – The ideal corporate management
The “G” for governance, corporate management is the be-all and end-all in ESG – how does a company best ensure its compliance, what risk management and internal control system does a company need and what is actually important in the real estate industry? What are best practices for internal investigations and which criteria and processes […]...
Refinitiv Risk Seminar – Vienna 2023
Wolf Theiss and Refinitiv (an LSEG Business) are delighted to invite you to join a complimentary Risk event taking place in Vienna on Tuesday, 6 June 2023. Refinitiv as a host of the event, is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data and infrastructure serving more than 40,000 institutions in approximately 190 […]...
NIS 2.0 – What business leaders need to know about the new EU legal framework on cybersecurity
The new Network and Information Security Directive (“NIS 2 Directive”) aims to improve resilience and response to security incidents in the public and private sectors in the EU. In its scope of application, it goes far beyond classic providers of critical infrastructure and digital services and also affects facilities in the areas of postal and […]...
New Fairness Opinion Standards of the DVFA and board duties in the context of M&A
Due to the growing and increasingly international market for corporate transactions, the importance of fairness opinions is constantly increasing. The Fairness Opinion of an independent party represents a central tool for company leaders to assess M&A transactions and is also of great relevance for protecting the corporate bodies. Since there are no legal rules for […]...
Banks in Crisis – Bank Restructuring and Resolution in Theory and Practice
In cooperation with ReTurn (Forum Restructuring and Turnaround) we cordially invite you to a “ReTurn five o’clock tea – keynote speech”. Andrea Gritsch and Zeno Grabmayr will give the lecture on “Banks in Crisis – Bank Restructuring and Resolution in Theory and Practice”. Both have many years of experience in banking advice. Speakers: When & […]...
ESG in the real estate industry – focus on financing
With the Green Deal, the European Commission has pointed the way towards climate protection and a resource-efficient and more sustainable economy. By 2050, the EU is to become climate-neutral, which is to be achieved above all by directing payment flows in a sustainable direction. The real estate industry, as one of the largest emitters of […]...
You have been hacked – ways out of the crisis
The ever-increasing number of cyberattacks on companies is shifting the focus to correct behavior by management and in the event of cyberattacks. What preventive measures need to be taken in order to offer cyberattacks as few targets as possible? And what reactive measures are to be taken when the worst case scenario has already occurred? […]...
ESG compliance – what do you have to consider?
ESG Compliance – was müssen Sie beachten? Spätestens seit der Umsetzung des Europäischen Green Deals ist ESG in allen Bereichen der Wirtschaft angekommen. Die EU hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt bis 2050 klimaneutral zu werden, bis 2030 sollen die Emissionen bereits um 55% gegenüber dem Stand 1990 gesenkt werden. Neben Umwelt (E–Environment) spielen aber […]...
ESG and existing properties – a contradiction in terms? How can you implement sustainability now to secure real estate values
ESG und Bestandsimmobilien – ein Widerspruch? Wie kann man Nachhaltigkeit jetzt implementieren, um Immobilienwerte zu sichern Mögen Gesetze zum Ausstieg aus fossilen Brennstoffen verabschiedet sein oder nicht: die Immobilienwirtschaft muss ihrer Verantwortung vor allem für das “E” in ESG gerecht werden. Anpassungen zur Steigerung der Nachhaltigkeit zur langfristigen Sicherung von schon bestehenden Immobilienwerten müssen jetzt […]...
Wer zahlt die Miete? Geschäftsraummieten während COVID und Rückforderungsansprüche der COFAG
COVID-19 ist eine “Seuche” iSd § 1104 ABGB. Somit war während der Lockdowns keine Miete zu bezahlen. Aber wie verhielt es sich in den Zeiträumen zwischen den Lockdowns? Hat der Mieter Anspruch auf Mietzinsreduktion? Und wenn ja, in welcher Höhe? Und wie verhält es sich bei Pachtverhältnissen? Wie sieht es mit den im Frühjahr 2020 […]...
Real estate finance and ESG
Impact of ESG criteria on the real estate industry and new requirements of the financial world Wolf Theiss is co-hosting a conference by Linde Verlag about the impact of ESG criteria on real estate finance. Together with experts from BDO, value one, Danube University Krems, OeKB, Oberbank and Wiener Privatbank, the following topics will be […]...
Discussion and Drinks Updates on the Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register Act – Excusable oversight or criminal liability?
Practical ambiguities in the interpretation of the obligations of the Beneficial Owner Register Act and consequences under fiscal criminal law: The general reporting obligations and the obligation to confirm the reporting of beneficial owners annually are already firmly anchored in the compliance system in most companies. In practice, however, there are always ambiguities as to […]...