The Wolf Theiss Guide To: Licensing of Electricity and Gas Wholesale Activities in Central, Eastern & Southeastern Europe
Wolf Theiss is pleased to publish the second edition (2018) of “The Wolf Theiss Guide To: Licensing of Electricity and Gas Wholesale Activities in Central, Eastern & Southeastern Europe” (the “Licensing Guide”). In the past decade, our energy team has handled numerous licensing procedures throughout the region both in the electricity and the natural gas […]...
Current status of AMLD 4 in CEE
The EU 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD 4) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 5 July 2015 and should have been implemented into national law by 26 June 2017. In the attached survey, we take a look at the current status of the implementation of AMLD 4 in Central, Eastern and Southeastern […]...
Festgelegte Anlagestrategie versus Unternehmensgegenstand
Kann eine festgelegte Anlagestrategie, die für das Vorliegen eines AIF eine unabdingbare Voraussetzung ist, überhaupt bestehen, wenn der Unternehmensgegenstand im Gesellschaftsvertrag (Satzung) die einzige gesellschaftsrechtliche Vorgabe darstellt? Bereits seit Inkrafttreten der Alternative Investmentfonds Manager Richtlinie („AIFMD“) bereitet ein Tatbestandsmerkmal bei der Beurteilung der Frage nach dem Vorliegen eines Alternativen Investmentfonds („AIF“) besondere Schwierigkeiten, nämlich das […]...
Energy Efficiency in Central, Eastern & Southeastern Europe
Wolf Theiss is pleased to publish the first edition (2017) of "The Wolf Theiss Guide to: Energy Efficiency in Central, Eastern & Southeastern Europe" (the "WTEE Guide")....
Restructuring loans and enforcement of security
The most important lessons learned since the collapse of Lehman Brothers are that no bank is too big to fail and that national banking systems are ill-equipped to deal with a truly global financial market. In Central and Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the financial markets that were dominated by Austrian banks experienced unprecedented growth up […]...
Waste to Energy in Central, Eastern & Southeastern Europe
Wolf Theiss is pleased to publish the first edition (2016) of “The Wolf Theiss Waste to Energy Guide in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe” (the “WtE Guide”). Coupled with the successful “Wolf Theiss Guide to: Generating Electricity from Renewable Sources in Central, Eastern & Southeastern Europe” (the “RES Guide” – now in its seventh edition […]...