Rights and obligations in connection with rent indexation
Rights and obligations in connection with rent indexation In this episode of the Wolf Theiss Soundshot podcast, our two real estate law experts Marion Schimböck and Elisabeth Werginz take a closer look at rent indexation in relation to the current inflation rate in Austria. The majority of tenancy agreements contain value adjustment clauses that entitle […]...
Was ist so besonders an “besonderen Dienstleistungen”?
+ Update zur Direktvergabegrenze In dieser Folge unseres Vergaberecht-Podcasts befassen sich Silvia Feßl und Johann Hwezda aus unserem Vergaberechtsteam mit “besonderen Dienstleistungen” im vergaberechtlichen Sinne. Für diese Leistungen, die so verschiedene Bereiche wie Kultur, Gesundheit und Landesverteidigung betreffen, gilt ein erleichtertes Vergaberechtsregime. Was genau die Unterschiede und Erleichterungen aber auch die Fallstricke bei der Vergabe besonderer […]...
Redundancies: Tips & Tricks
In this episode of our Arbeitsrecht podcast, Ralf Peschek and Isabel Firneis dive into the complex topic of staff reductions and social plan negotiations in Austria. They discuss how a restructuring process is usually structured and which factors drive the timeline and costs. They also share tips and tricks from their practical experience, including an […]...
Understanding Austria’s new Whistleblower Protection Act
The new Whistleblower Protection Act entered into force in Austria on 25 February 2023. In this episode of our Arbeitsrecht Podcast, Anna Schwamberger and Magdalena Ziembicka highlight key elements of the new law and clarify common misconceptions. What is the law about? Austrian companies with 50 or more employees are obliged to set up internal […]...
Ordering principle (‘Bestellerprinzip’) – Who benefits from it? Who does it harm? Upheaval in the Austrian real estate market?
Ordering principle (‘Bestellerprinzip’) – Who benefits from it? Who does it harm? Upheaval in the Austrian real estate market? In this episode of the Wolf Theiss Soundshot Podcast, real estate law experts Partner Birgit Kraml and Partner Peter Oberlechner discuss the ordering principle (‘Bestellerprinzip’) and the letting of residential property in the Austrian market together […]...
What Romania’s renewables market tells us about the present and future of sustainable energy
Renewables expert and Managing Partner of the firm’s Bucharest office Bryan W. Jardine takes a deep look into Romania’s renewable energy market with Mr. James Colter Eadie, who is the Founder and CEO of Jade Power Trust. Bryan and James discuss the historic subsidies that were granted to renewable energy investors in Romania between 2012 […]...
Änderung Schwellenwerte und Veröffentlichungspflicht von Gutachten, Studien und Umfragen
In dieser Folge unseres Vergaberecht-Podcasts befassen sich Dominik König und Klara Fuchs aus unserem Vergaberechtsteam mit zwei wichtigen Änderungen, die sich mit Beginn des Jahres 2023 im Bereich des Vergaberechts ergeben haben: Weitere Einzelheiten erfahren Sie in der neuen Folge unseres Vergaberechts-Podcasts. Verfügbar auf Deutsch. Bei Fragen zu dieser Folge und allgemein zu unserem Vergaberecht-Podcast wenden Sie […]...
Vergaberecht in Krisenzeiten
In der Pilotfolge unseres neuen Vergaberecht-Podcasts befassen sich Partner Wolfgang Lauchner und Counsel Johann Hwezda aus unserem Vergaberechtsteam mit den aktuellen Herausforderungen für alle Vergabe-Praktiker: gerissene Lieferketten, unvorhersehbare Preisentwicklungen sowie Rohstoff- und Energieknappheit und nicht zuletzt COVID-19 und der Krieg in der Ukraine. Unsere Experten analysieren dabei nicht nur die Auswirkungen dieser Herausforderungen auf das […]...
Data protection in the recruitment process
In this episode of our Arbeitsrecht podcast, Magdalena Ziembicka and Paulina Pomorski look at questions related to data protection in the job application process: from general issues of processing applicants’ personal data, background checks and obtaining references to the use of algorithms in the application process and processing and storing application records. EPISODE SUMMARY In […]...
Artificial intelligence and the future of IP rights
In our newest edition of Wolf Theiss Soundshot, energy specialist Peter Ihasz from Wolf Theiss Budapest speaks with and tech & IP expert Flavius Florea from our Bucharest office regarding Flavius’ recent article entitled “Artificial Intelligence & the future of IP rights”. Flavius points out that the effective regulation of IP rights for AI systems […]...
Foreign employment contract templates: Austria is not Germany
In this episode of our Arbeitsrecht podcast, Isabel Firneis and Magdalena Ziembicka discuss typical pitfalls in using foreign employment contract templates and how companies can adapt them to Austrian law, including how to avoid the most common mistakes. EPISODE SUMMARY Contract formUnlike in some countries, an employment contract in Austria, with some minor exceptions, does […]...
The end of the Covid-19 quarantine in Austria
In this episode of our Arbeitsrecht podcast, Matthias Unterrieder and Isabel Firneis discuss employment law implications of the end of COVD-19 quarantine rules and the introduction of new restrictions effective as of 01 August 2022. The new regulations raise a number of questions, including whether infected employees have to inform their employer about the infection, […]...