

28 September 2020

How do you start your career in a law firm? Two associates share their experience

What is it like to be an intern at Wolf Theiss? Who could answer this question better than our team members which either started their career off as an intern or supported new talents as mentors? In this episode, Theresia Welser and Johannes Sekanina tell us why they joined Wolf Theiss, what they have experienced […]...

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21 August 2020

M&A in a new Ecosystem

What impact did COVID-19 have on Mergers and Acquisitions in the CEE/SEE region? In the first episode of Wolf Theiss Soundshot, Corporate & M&A Partners Sarah Wared and Florian Kusznier from our Vienna Office discuss the changes in deal structures they have seen in the first half of 2020, how M&A transactions have been affected […]...

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