Press Releases
Wolf Theiss startet Event-Reihe “The Future of” mit dem Hot Topic “Investing”
Wien, 24. Jänner 2020 – Beim Auftakt der Wolf Theiss-Veranstaltungsreihe “The Future of” standen Rechtsfragen neuer Technologien im Bereich Investing im Fokus. Die Themenpalette reichte von Rahmenbedingungen für Crowdfunding oder die effiziente Berechnung von Kryptosteuern über die Handhabung des digitalen Nachlasses bis zum Businessmodell von Immobilien-Sharing-Plattformen. In einem zukunftsweisenden Rahmen – 14 Impulsvortäge à 5 […]...
Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe remains an attractive region to dealmakers – 89% of survey respondents say they would invest in CEE/SEE again
Vienna/London, 15 January 2020: Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (CEE/SEE) looks set to retain its position as a hub for M&A, according to a new survey from Mergermarket and Wolf Theiss. Eighty-nine percent of respondents said that their previous experiences of doing deals in CEE/SEE have made it more likely that they will invest again. […]...
Wolf Theiss strengthens its competition practice with Anca Jurcovan joining as partner
Bucharest, 15 January 2020 – Wolf Theiss has expanded its Competition practice by adding new Partner Anca Jurcovan to its Bucharest team. Anca will coordinate and strengthen the Wolf Theiss competition practice in Romania, adding her impressive capabilities to the local team. “Wolf Theiss constantly broadens its competition practice group and Anca is a wonderful […]...
Wolf Theiss advises all shareholders of Tag Systems S.A. on the sale of Tag Systems S.A.
Vienna, 12 December 2019 – Wolf Theiss advised all shareholders of Tag Systems S.A. ("TAG Shareholders") on the sale of Tag Systems S.A. to AUSTRIACARD and entering into a joint venture with AUSTRIACARD. The signing of the transaction took place on 9 August 2019 and was subject to several condition precedent. Closing of the transaction occurred on 4 December 2019....
Wolf Theiss expands in Warsaw, launching energy practice and strengthening M&A team
Warsaw, 2 December 2019 – Wolf Theiss took further steps to expand its presence in Poland, hiring Counsel Konrad Kosicki to start an energy practice and adding new Counsel Maciej Olszewski to its Corporate and M&A team. The new positions are part of the firm’s dynamic expansion in central Europe’s largest legal-services market, and follow […]...
Wolf Theiss sees distressed M&A rising as CEE economy slows
Warsaw, 16 October 2019 – Growing uncertainty about the global economic outlook has cut M&A activity in Central and Eastern Europe this year despite the region’s healthy fundamentals. However, the economic downturn may attract investors to restructuring opportunities, particularly in the manufacturing and retail industries, experts from international law firm Wolf Theiss predicted at the […]...
Let us build bridges-Event: Wolf Theiss führte durch den BREXIT-Dschungel
Wien, 11. Oktober 2019 – Über 100 Teilnehmer wohnten gestern Abend der Kick-off-Veranstaltung des Wolf Theiss BREXIT Desk bei. Die Experten diskutierten, warum der Austritt des Vereinten Königreichs (UK) aus der EU nicht nur eine politische, sondern auch rechtliche Zerreißprobe für die Beziehungen zwischen UK und der EU darstellt und mit welchen Änderungen Unternehmen zu […]...
Wolf Theiss further strengthens its Prague team. Experts in M&A, real estate, pharmaceuticals, IP, tax advisory and financial regulation are now on board
Prague, 4 October 2019 – Kamila Seberová joins Prague office of Wolf Theiss as expert in pharmaceutical law and intellectual property. Radka Neničková adds experience to the local real estate practice and Tereza Naučová strengthens the M&A team. All of them were newly appointed as Counsels. Dita Šulcová joins the office as a Tax Consultant […]...
Central Europe’s real estate boom set to continue as global funds seek higher yields
Warsaw, 18 September 2019 – Central Europe’s real-estate boom is set to continue as international investors flock to the market, attracted by its growth prospects and higher yields, according to experts from law firm Wolf Theiss attending the Europe GRI 2019 Conference in Paris on Sept. 11-12. Central Europe’s largest cities, including Warsaw, Prague, Budapest […]...
Wolf Theiss erweitert Partnerschaft: Florian Kusznier verstärkt das Corporate/M&A-Team
Wien, 1. August 2019 – Wolf Theiss erweitert seine internationale Corporate-Praxisgruppe: Florian Kusznier (42) wird Partner bei Wolf Theiss. Florian Kusznier ist Experte für grenzüberschreitende Transaktionen, Übernahmen und Gesellschaftsrecht sowie auf den Sektor Health Care spezialisiert, den er bei Wolf Theiss weiter ausbauen wird. „Wir freuen uns, mit Florian Kusznier einen profilierten und international bekannten […]...
Wolf Theiss advises Miba on the expansion of its eMobility Business
Vienna, 24 July 2019 – Miba relies on Wolf Theiss' expertise on acquiring a stake in VOLTLABOR and establishing a joint venture....
Wolf Theiss advises Blackstone on the acquisition of EUR 1.64 billion CRH European Distribution Unit
Vienna, 18 July 2019 – Wolf Theiss advised the US multinational investment firm Blackstone on the acquisition of a €1.64 billion European Distribution Unit from Irish building materials supplier CRH....