
Press Releases

22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss advises Harvia in purchase of Sentiotec

Vienna, 18 November 2016 – Wolf Theiss is advising Harvia Group Oy in its acquisition of sentiotec, the sauna and wellness division of abatec Group. The signing took place on 4 November 2016....

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22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss hosts International Fraud Group Conference

Vienna, November 17, 2016 – Wolf Theiss hosts today the International Fraud Group (IFG) bi-annual conference in Vienna. 30 members from law firms around the world will attend. Wolf Theiss is the only IFG member representing the CEE/SEE region....

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22 April 2020

Best-Recruiter-Studie: Wolf Theiss belegt den 1.Platz in der Branche Rechtsberatung und den 6. Gesamtplatz

Wien, 17. November 2016 – Wolf Theiss ist im Rahmen der BEST-RECRUITER-Studie, bei der die Recruiting-Qualitäten von 515 österreichischen Top-Unternehmen untersucht worden sind, zum Top-Recruiter im Bereich Rechtsberatung gewählt worden. Im Gesamtranking belegt die österreichische Anwaltssozietät den 6. Platz....

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22 April 2020

Killt das Internet die Bestandverträge im Handel?

Wien, 14.11.2016 – Bei einem heute von Wolf Theiss und Regioplan Consulting veranstalteten Top-Level-Branchenseminar standen die rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen des wachsenden Online-Handels an den Handel im Zentrum der Diskussion. Herkömmliche Verkaufsflächen stehen in zunehmenden Wettbewerb mit rein virtuellen. Conclusio: Die rapide zunehmende Bedeutung des Internets als Verkaufsplattform macht erforderlich, Handelsmietverträgen an die neuen Gegebenheiten anzupassen....

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22 April 2020

Union Investment sichert sich mit Wolf Theiss das Büro-Objekt Doppio Offices

Wien, 11. November 2016 – Union Investment Real Estate Austria AG ("Union") erwirbt von der Strauss & Partner Gruppe das markante Büro-Gebäude Doppio Offices im Stadtentwicklungsgebiet "Neu Marx". Die Doppio Offices mit einer Mietfläche von mehr als 8.000 m² werden künftig das Portfolio des von Union verwalteten "immofonds 1" erweitern....

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22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss berät die Erste Group Bank AG bei der Emission eines EUR 750 Millionen Hypothekenpfandbriefs

Wien, 19.01.2017 – Die ERSTE GROUP BANK AG hat am 18.01.2017 auf dem internationalen Kapitalmarkt einen festverzinsten hypothekarisch besicherten Pfandbrief mit einem Volumen von EUR 750 Millionen platziert. Beraten wurde sie von der Anwaltssozietät Wolf Theiss....

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22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss advises Chinese Corporation in the purchase of its new European headquarters in Graz

Vienna, 8 November 2016 – China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), in collaboration with two other partners from China, is establishing its European headquarters in Graz. The deal to purchase a production site and office building from the Steinklauber Group was recently signed. Dr. Christian Buchmann, Economic Minister of Styria, and a high-ranking delegation from China were in attendance....

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22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss advises QIA on investment in Banvit

Vienna, 16 January 2017 – Wolf Theiss has advised as Austrian counsel the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) on a joint venture between QIA and BRF, the Brazilian food manufacturer, to acquire a 79.5% stake in Banvit Bandirma Vitaminli Yem Sanayii A.Ş., a leading Turkey-based poultry company. QIA will hold 40% in the Austrian joint venture company and BRF 60%. This acquisition will be followed by a mandatory tender offer for the remaining 20.5%....

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22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss advises Rewe in sale of Billa Croatia to Spar

Vienna/Zagreb, 22 December 2016 – REWE International AG is divesting itself from its Croatian supermarkets. Its 62 franchises under the BILLA brand and a logistics centre with approximately 1,900 employees will be taken over by SPAR. REWE turned to the legal expertise of Wolf Theiss, which advised in all legal aspects for this transaction....

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22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss advises sellers of Heptagon in mega-deal with AMS AG

Vienna, 25 October 2016 – austriamicrosystems AG (AMS) has signed a contract for the acquisition of Singapore-based Heptagon Advanced Micro-Optics PTE. LTD (Heptagon). The sellers are primarily well-known financial investors as well as management and employees of Heptagon. The transaction is expected to close within three months....

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22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss Belgrade advises the European Bank For Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on its inaugural RSD-denominated bond issue in Serbia

Vienna, 22 December 2016 – As of 15 December 2016, EBRD's issue of RSD 2,500,000,000 Floating Rate Bonds due December 2019 has been admitted to trading on the Belgrade Stock Exchange. This issuance is the first by an international financial institution in Serbia; it is denominated in Serbian dinars and governed by Serbian law. Raiffeisen Banka AD, Beograd, acted as underwriter for the issuance with Citigroup Global Markets Limited acting as marketing agent....

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22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss berät Banco Bilbao, J.P. Morgan und UniCredit Bank Austria AG als Joint Lead Manager einer EUR 500 Millionen Anleihe der Telekom

Wien, 20. Dezember 2016 – Die Joint Lead Manager Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A., J.P. Morgan Securities plc und UniCredit Bank Austria AG haben eine EUR 500 Millionen Anleihe der Telekom Finanzmanagement GmbH, unbedingt und unwiderruflich garantiert durch die Telekom Austria Aktiengesellschaft, erfolgreich platziert. Beraten wurden die Joint Lead Manager durch die Anwaltssozietät Wolf Theiss....

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