Press Releases
Paulina Przewoźnik joins employment team of Wolf Theiss Warsaw
Warsaw, 16 October 2017 – Paulina Przewoźnik has joined the employment team of Wolf Theiss Warsaw. The appointment of Paulina comes as Wolf Theiss looks to bolster its team providing employment-related advisory services to Poland’s growing business services sector. Paulina Przewoźnik has advised clients on a wide-range of employment matters for many years. She has […]...
Wolf Theiss advises Polish firms on posting of workers to Germany and Austria
Warsaw, 13 October 2017 – Changing regulations in Austria and Germany are beginning to pose a threat to Polish companies posting workers to these countries under EU rules. To avoid hefty fines, employers from Poland need to remain aware of the latest regulations, representatives of international law firm Wolf Theiss said during a conference in Warsaw....
Wolf Theiss advises Volksbank Wien AG in issuance of a EUR 400 million Tier-2 Bond
Vienna, 9 October 2017 – Wolf Theiss has advised Volksbank Wien in the issuance of a subordinated bond (tier 2) with a volume of €400 million. The bond has a term of 10 years....
Wolf Theiss advises Raiffeisen Ware Austria and Lamb Weston / Meijer in sale of Frisch & Frost
Vienna, 5 October 2017 – VIVATIS Holding AG has acquired Frisch & Frost, which once again finds itself in Austrian ownership. The sellers, US and Holland-based foodstuff giant Lamb Weston / Meijer, which owned 75% of Frisch & Frost, and Raiffeisen Ware Austria, parent company of Raiffeisen-Lagerhäuser (25%), were both advised by Wolf Theiss....
The Student Hotel errichtet in Wien neues Flaggschiff mit Unterstützung von Wolf Theiss
Wien, 29. September 2017 – "The Student Hotel" setzt bei seinem Markteintritt in Österreich auf die Expertise der österreichischen Anwaltssozietät Wolf Theiss. Die The Student Hotel-Gruppe steht als Pionier für eine einzigartige und innovative Mischung aus zeitgenössischen Studentenzimmern, Hotelzimmern und Co-Living Studios und hat Wien für ihr neues, 822 Zimmer starkes, österreichisches Vorzeigeprojekt ausgewählt. Die Eröffnung des in der Nordbahnstrasse gelegenen Hotels ist Anfang 2020 geplant....
Wolf Theiss begleitet den chinesischen Autohersteller Great Wall Motor Company auf dem Sprung nach Österreich
Wien, 26. September 2017 – Wolf Theiss berät den größten chinesischen SUV-Produzenten bei der Gründung seiner österreichischen Tochtergesellschaft. Die Great Wall Motor Company errichtet im niederösterreichischen Kottingbrunn ein Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum....
Wolf Theiss Panel: Quote im Aufsichtsrat – Frauenförderung oder Männerdiskriminierung?
Wien, 19. September 2017 – Gestern Abend diskutierte auf Einladung von Wolf Theiss ein hochkarätig besetztes Panel die ab 2018 auch in Österreich verpflichtende Frauenquote von 30% in Aufsichtsräten. Neben Frauenministerin Pamela Rendi-Wagner nahmen Elisabeth Stadler, CEO Vienna Insurance Group, Karin Exner-Wöhrer, CEO Salzburger Aluminium AG und Heimo Scheuch, CEO Wienerberger AG, zu dem brisanten Thema Stellung....
Wolf Theiss Breakfast: Der Innovative Mitarbeiter – Chance oder Risiko?
Wien, 13. September 2017 – Die Innovationskraft von Mitarbeitern stellt ein großes Potential dar, das bei optimaler Nutzung maßgeblich zum Erfolg und Wachstum eines Unternehmens beitragen kann. Das kreative Potential der Mitarbeiter kann aber auch Fallstricke für den Arbeitgeber bergen – vor allem bei mangelhafter oder fehlender vertraglicher Regelung des geistigen Eigentums....
Wolf Theiss welcomes new partner in data protection law
Bucharest, 11 September 2017 – Wolf Theiss Bucharest has expanded its TMT and Data Protection & Compliance practice by adding new Partner Maria Maxim to its team. Maria will coordinate and strengthen the Wolf Theiss data protection practice, adding valuable expertise to the local team. Bryan Jardine, Managing Partner of Wolf Theiss Bucharest expressed his […]...
Wolf Theiss advises Kohlberg & Company in purchase of winter sport division of US company Newell Brands
Vienna, 4 August 2017 – The private equity investors Kohlberg & Company L.L.C. have relied on the expertise of Wolf Theiss in their purchase of the winter sport division of Newell Brands. The signing took place on 25 May 2017, and the deal closed on 14 July 2017. Wolf Theiss was responsible for advising in […]...
Marcell Németh named partner at Wolf Theiss
Vienna, 24 July 2017 – Marcell Németh (47) has been named Partner at Wolf Theiss, where he has worked in the Banking & Finance practice group since 2015, focussing on financing and portfolio transactions in Central and Eastern Europe. He spent half of his more than 20-year career as a lawyer at leading law firms […]...
Wolf Theiss advises Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) in issuance of EUR 650,000,000 6.125% AT1 Notes
Vienna, 5 July 2017 – Today, RBI closed an issuance of €650,000,000 6.125% AT1. Wolf Theiss and Linklaters advised RBI in this issuance, which was met with great interest by investors from Great Britain, continental Europe and Asia. RBI was able to place additional core capital (AT1) with no maturity date at a volume of […]...