Specialised litigation & dispute resolution team with experience across industries
Dedicated commercial litigation lawyers serving Central & Eastern Europe
Need to ensure the professional handling of dispute resolution work on a regular basis? Or are you or your company facing a highly challenging one-off dispute which may affect your business significantly? We are your partner for either case. Knowing where, when, and how to initiate legal proceedings in order to protect your business is a necessity if you want to stay one step ahead and avoid costly and potentially reputation-damaging investigations. You can rely on our extensive experience in handling complex and sensitive matters combined with a strategic and cost-effective approach.
Involved in a bigger dispute or a dispute abroad? We can advise you on your overall dispute resolution strategy, including multijurisdictional questions, and coordinate the involvement of other firms advising on the matter. We use our years of international litigation work to your benefit so that you stay on top of the potentials and risks emanating from litigation elsewhere in the world.
Key Contacts
We can advise you in connection with:
- Asset Tracing & Recovery
- Banking Litigation
- Class Action Defence
- Commercial Litigation
- Corporate & Shareholder Disputes
- Directors’ Liability
- Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards
- EU law and proceedings before the European Courts
- Fraud Disputes/Defence
- Insolvency and recoveries related disputes
- Insurance Litigation
- Libel/defamation, reputation protection
- Life Science Litigation
- Product Liability
- Sales Agents/Agencies, Distribution & Franchise related disputes
- Shareholder Activism
Leading the legal field
Our lawyers are involved in key transactions and matters across the region, bringing their industry expertise and specialised business knowledge to add value to our clients’ work.
$10 million tort claim against our clients for alleged copyright breach successfully rejected
Defended major car manufacturer in partnership dispute
Successful outcome for global leader in dredging
Handling complex & sensitive commercial litigation, including cross-border cases
Positive outcome for our client defending €180 million claim
A team of Dispute Resolution lawyers from our Bucharest office secured a favourable decision in first instance in a EUR 180 million claim against the majority shareholder of Electroputere Craiova, the Saudi-Arabian company Al-Arrab Contracting Co., an affiliate of the Investment Fund Al Rajhi.
The claim was initiated by the Authority for the Administration of State Assets (AAAS) against the majority shareholder of Electroputere Craiova, one of the most iconic Romanian manufacturers of industrial electrical equipment (formerly the largest Romanian locomotive producer), for an alleged breach of investment obligations under the Privatization Agreement of Electroputere.
Our commercial litigation lawyers provided the client with legal assistance during the settlement negotiations and representation in court in first instance. Our Wolf Theiss lawyers successfully managed to reduce the initial claim of AAAS of EUR 300 million to EUR 180 million by raising preliminary issues and eventually obtained the overall rejection of the claim.
Defending client against alleged unlawful termination of partnership
Our commercial litigation lawyers are advising and defending a major car manufacturer in a complex dispute arising from the fact that the client terminated the partnership agreement with the biggest and oldest distributor of its products in the Czech Republic. The opponent considered the termination of the partnership agreement to be unlawful and we are now defending our client against claims in three different legal proceedings.
Successful defence of major Hollywood production studios, financiers and writers
Our litigation lawyers have successfully assisted nine major Hollywood production studios, financiers and scriptwriters through all degrees of jurisdiction in a USD 10 million tortious liability claim for alleged copyright breach initiated by a Romanian writer.
The claimant contended that the Hollywood blockbuster “Escape Plan” featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone has been created based upon a script and a book that he wrote and published in Romania, but the Romanian courts have definitively rejected this claim and ruled in favour of our clients.
Favourable outcome for one of the world’s largest dredging companies
Our team has advised one of the world’s leading dredging companies in litigation proceedings against a state-owned bankrupt Croatian shipbuilder.
We successfully secured that: (i) the client’s proprietary equipment that was installed into the dredger during the construction was safeguarded from potential unauthorised disclosure and use by its competitors while the dredger was still in the shipyard (after the shipyard had already fallen into the bankruptcy), and (ii) that the dredger is finally released to the client and safely towed outside Croatia’s territorial sea and outside the reach of the competitors’ attempts to get hold of the client’s technology through Croatian courts (by getting hold of the dredger).
What others say about us
“Wolf Theiss’s ‘very dedicated’ commercial litigation team has expertise across numerous practice areas, including IP/IT, employment, regulatory, construction, procurement and corporate. Additional stand-out features of the commercial litigation department is its involvement in high-profile cross-border disputes and the cooperation between the civil law and white-collar criminal departments.”
– The Legal 500
“It is a top-quality team, from partners down, that is knowledgeable, pragmatic and very approachable. Its advice is fast, sharp and to the point, and 24/7 availability is the norm to expect from Wolf Theiss.”
– The Legal 500
“They are the ‘right contacts for high-volume work,’ sources observe.”
– Chambers Europe
“‘The advantage of Wolf Theiss is that we use them as a one-stop shop. It’s always very quick and we save a lot of money,’ another source reports.”
“‘The team has impressive knowledge of legal arguments,’ a client observes, also noting that lawyers at the firm ‘have a client- and result-focused mindset.’”
– Chambers Europe
Get in touch
Whether you need an international team with extensive experience, Wolf Theiss can support your business goals through our profound legal practice.
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