Events Events

Affordable Housing in 2024 & Beyond
5 November 2024

With private investors increasingly turning to rental solutions, what can cities realistically achieve for their residents?
The Czech Republic faces a housing market in crisis, navigating chronic under-supply, bureaucratic delays and demographic shifts. Join us and our expert speakers as we examine the challenges to affordable housing and explore effective public-private partnerships for a sustainable housing future.
The seminar will be moderated by Robert McLean of thePrime.

  • Guy Barker, Director, Arcona Capital
  • Zuzana Chudoba, Member of the Presidium, Rental Housing Association
  • Jan Fišer, Legal Counsel, Dostupné bydlení České spořitelny
  • Tomáš Kren, Counsel, Wolf Theiss
  • Radek Kučera, Founder, Grafton Property Partners
  • Barbora Raková, Housing Policy Expert, State Fund for Investment Support

When & Where:

Date: 5 November 2024
Start: 16:00
End: 18:00

Location: Wolf Theiss, Butterfly Karlín Pernerova 691/42, 186 00 Prague 8
