How do market players view the European Green Bond Standard?
Q&A with Erste Group and RBI
Green Bonds and Securitisation Series – Article 3/3
This is the thrird article in a series of which is preceeded by The European Green Bond Standard – gold standard or regulatory burden? and “Sustainable Securitisation – too complicated or worth the effort?”

This Wolf Theiss Q&A on the new European Green Bond Standard brings together the valuable insights of two key
market participants, Raiffeisen Bank International and Erste Group, represented by experts Jörg Liesenfeld and
Danijel Ficulovic, respectively.
The European Green Bond Standard (EuGBS) has been proclaimed by European institutions as the new “gold standard” for green bonds, helping market participants to raise funds while meeting sustainability requirements and protecting investors from greenwashing. The aim is to create a market standard that would set the benchmark for green bonds and protect market integrity, ensuring that only legitimate environmental projects are financed.
Our Q&A with experts from Raiffeisen Bank International and Erste Group seeks to understand the view of leading market participants concerning topical developments with the emergence of the EuGBS, the legislative framework that is currently used in practice and implications for the future of EU legislation when it comes to ESG bonds.
*This article series was developed by Matthias Schimka, Partner and Nevena Skocic, Senior Associate.
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How do market players view the European Green Bond Standard?