Guides Guides

The Wolf Theiss Guide To: Licensing of Electricity and Gas Wholesale Activities in Central, Eastern & Southeastern Europe

Wolf Theiss is pleased to publish the second edition (2018) of “The Wolf Theiss Guide To: Licensing of Electricity and Gas Wholesale Activities in Central, Eastern & Southeastern Europe” (the “Licensing Guide”).

In the past decade, our energy team has handled numerous licensing procedures throughout the region both in the electricity and the natural gas market. Our publication is intended to be a practical guide to the principal regulatory features of the licensing of wholesale activities in 13 jurisdictions covered by Wolf Theiss.

In the first part of the Licensing Guide, we present an executive summary of the regulatory licensing framework applicable in each of the 13 jurisdictions covered. The second chapter of the Licensing Guide contains an outline of the current status of the internal energy market in the European Union and highlights the regulatory “patchwork” regarding access to the physical wholesale energy markets in our region. The regulatory framework applicable in each jurisdiction is described in more detail in the country chapters.

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Licensing of electricity and gas wholesale activities in CEE & SEE

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