Ukraine – One Region, one Firm
Wolf Theiss has offices in thirteen countries in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, one of them in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Across our firm, we share a joint belief in the rule of law, democracy, humanity and fair play. We all lived in peace and safety, when suddenly, last week, our Ukrainian colleagues were confronted with war.
There is only one message from us now: We stand in solidarity with our colleagues and friends in Ukraine.
Wolf Theiss

However, our help does not end with making pictures. In the meantime, we have initiated everything to help our colleagues to leave for safe countries and financially support their stay there. Through fundraising and other efforts, we have made it our goal to not only make a one-time statement, but to help in the long run. Our lawyers have helped to establish support associations (see also PRO BONO) and the company is actively contributing in terms of content as well as financially where there is need, from the creation of alternative housing in several countries to German language courses.
We continue to work on finding ways of support and our thoughts remain with the people of Ukraine.