Wolf Theiss advises on the sale of a majority stake in Embryos Fertility Clinic to Integral Capital Group
Bucharest, 11 February 2025 – Wolf Theiss has successfully advised the founders of Embryos Fertility Clinic S.R.L., a leading Romanian in vitro fertilisation clinic, on the sale of the majority stake to Integral Capital Group, a leader in pan-regional private equity investments. The transaction, closed on 31 January 2025, marks a strategic milestone in an emerging sector within the Romanian market.
The founders of Embryos Fertility Clinic S.R.L., Dr Andreea Carp-Veliscu, Dr Ionela Anghelescu and Dr Tarig Massawi, renowned specialists in human reproduction medical procedures, sold a majority stake in the company to Integral Capital Group. The transaction opens a new chapter in the company’s growth, built on the dedication and expertise of its founders.
Wolf Theiss’ Corporate/M&A team, led by Partner Ileana Glodeanu and Counsel Luciana Tache provided comphrehensive support to the founders throughout the competitive sale process. This included guidance during the investors’ due diligence process, advice on the transactional documentation and the successful negotiation and closing of the deal.
The team involved in the transaction included Associates Marius Moldoveanu, Ruxandra Niţu and Elena Drăgan (Corporate/M&A), Partner Anca Jurcovan and Associate Claudia Andreescu (Competition & FDI), Senior Associate Ioana Iacob (Employment), Counsel Flavius Florea (TMT, IP & Data Protection) and Associate Ana-Maria Mustățea (Real Estate & Construction).
“Over the last few years, Wolf Theiss lawyers have advised on some of the largest transactions in the Romanian market involving local entrepreneurs. We are particularly proud to have supported the founders of Embryos Fertility Clinic and contributed to the successful outcome of this partnership”,
says Ileana Glodeanu, Partner, Wolf Theiss.
“This partnership opens new opportunities for Embryos Fertility Clinic which will be explored and capitalised on following closing. We are grateful for the amazing dedication of Wolf Theiss’ team, who have expertly navigated us through the transaction and provided insightful advice on strategic matters. Their expertise was essential to the success and swift closing of the transaction”,
declares Ionela Anghelescu, Co-Founder Embryos Fertility Clinic.
Other advisors to the founders of Embryos Fertility Clinic S.R.L. on this transaction included Alexandru Rus from Rothschild, and Cosmin Comşa and Mircea Floares from KPMG Romania.
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