
Harald Strahberger


About Harald Strahberger

Harald Strahberger is a member of the Regulatory team. He regularly advises national and international clients in all fields of public law, including environmental law (e.g., facility, waste and water laws), energy law, trade law, data protection and state aid law, also representing them in administrative proceedings as well as in proceedings in front of Administrative Courts, the Supreme Administrative Court, the Austrian Constitutional Court and in front of the Austrian Civil Courts. Prior to joining Wolf Theiss, he worked for a respected Vienna law firm for almost seven years, both as an associate and as an attorney-at-law, with a special focus on energy law. For another three years, he worked as an attorney-at law with two Austrian law firms handling – in addition to the areas mentioned above – public procurement matters.


University of Vienna (Mag. iur.), 2009


German, English