

Find here our latest press releases. Our international PR team is always available to answer your questions.

7 May 2021

Wolf Theiss startet Event-Reihe “The Future of” mit dem Hot Topic “Investing”

Wien, 24. Jänner 2020 – Beim Auftakt der Wolf Theiss-Veranstaltungsreihe "The Future of" standen Rechtsfragen neuer Technologien im Bereich Investing im Fokus. Die Themenpalette reichte von Rahmenbedingungen für Crowdfunding oder die effiziente Berechnung von Kryptosteuern über die Handhabung des digitalen Nachlasses bis zum Businessmodell von Immobilien-Sharing-Plattformen....

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7 May 2021

Wolf Theiss: Poland needs clear rules to protect crypto Investors

Warsaw, 13 September 2018 – As cryptocurrencies grow in popularity in Poland, legislators and regulators are struggling to keep up with the changing environment, leaving investor protections very weak, experts from Wolf Theiss said at a recent business seminar organized by the law firm. For the crypto market to develop, Poland should adopt clear, consistent rules....

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7 May 2021

Blockchain Premiere: Erste Group and Wolf Theiss cooperate on first paperless, blockchain-only capital market issue

Vienna, 25 October 2018 - Erste Group and ASFINAG carried out the first fully digital issue of a borrower’s loan note (Schuldscheindarlehen) via a blockchain platform in Europe. Wolf Theiss provided legal advice to Erste Group on this pioneering transaction....

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7 May 2021

Wolf Theiss Partner Niklas Schmidt publishes reference book on cryptocurrencies and blockchains

Vienna, 14 March 2019 – Hot off the press! Tax expert Niklas Schmidt wrote a reference book on the technical, economic and legal aspects of cryptocurrencies and blockchains. Containing about 400 FAQs, the book guides readers through a topic which at first sight might seem mystifying....

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5 May 2021

Wolf Theiss advises Raiffeisen Bank S.A. (Romania) on the establishment of a EUR 850,000,000 EMTN Notes Programme

Bucharest, 3 May 2021 - Raiffeisen Bank S.A. (Romania) had the base prospectus for its EUR 850,000,000 Euro Medium Term Notes Programme approved by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, relying on legal advice from Wolf Theiss' DCM team, as Issuer's Romanian legal counsel....

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5 May 2021

Wolf Theiss advised Česká spořitelna of new covered bonds programme

Prague – 5 May 2021 – Wolf Theiss advised Česká spořitelna, part of Erste Group and the biggest bank operating on the Czech market, on the establishment of the new covered bonds programme* and on related issue of covered bonds under this programme. The covered bonds programme enables Česká spořitelna to issue mortgage covered bonds, public covered bonds and mixed covered bonds with an option of being issued as CRR compliant covered bonds....

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30 April 2021

Wolf Theiss: Milliarden-Deal bei SCS-Verkauf

Wien, 29. April 2021 – Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield ("URW"), der weltweit führende Entwickler und Betreiber von Flagship-Destinationen, hat am 28. April einen Vertrag hinsichtlich des Verkaufs einer 45%-Beteiligung an der Shopping City Süd ("SCS") an die Crédit Agricole Assurances abgeschlossen. Der Netto-Angebotspreis für die gesamte Immobilie belief sich auf 1.065 Millionen Euro. Gleichzeitig wurde der Abschluss eines Joint Venture Vertrages paktiert, aufgrund dessen URW u.a. mit der langfristigen Fortsetzung des Property und Asset Management betraut werden soll. Die Transaktion steht unter üblichen, z.B. kartellrechtlichen, Bedingungen. Das Closing soll im 3. Quartal stattfinden....

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27 April 2021

Logistik-Deal des Jahres – Wolf Theiss berät Salzburger Investorengruppe bei der Akquisition des Loosdorfer Logistikzentrums der Hofer KG

Wien, 27. April 2021 – Der Salzburger Immobilieninvestor Walter Schisernig übernimmt mit einer internationalen Investorengruppe das ehemalige HOFER Logistikzentrum in Loosdorf. Wolf Theiss war für die Due Diligence, die Vertragsverhandlung, und die Absicherung des Kaufs durch eine mit der Verkäuferseite abgestimmte Warranty and Indemnity Versicherung veranwortlich....

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23 April 2021

Wolf Theiss advises on one of the largest project finance transactions in Bulgaria

Sofia, 23 April 2021 – Wolf Theiss advised the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), UniCredit S.p.a., UniCredit Bulbank, UniCredit Bank AG, Societe Generale, Kommunalkredit Austria and DSK Bank as finance parties, on one of the largest project finance transactions in Bulgaria - the concession of the Sofia Airport....

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22 April 2021

Wolf Theiss advises Fareva on the acquisition of a production site of the Novartis Group

Vienna, 22 April 2021 – EBEWE Pharma, a Novartis Group company, has agreed with Fareva SA to acquire its production site in Unterach (Upper Austria). Together with the French law firm Darrois, Wolf Theiss advised Fareva, a leading contract service provider in the pharmaceutical sector, on the negotiation of the purchase agreement as well as the ancillary agreements. The Closing took place on March 31....

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20 April 2021

Kartellrechts- und Internal Investigations-Experte Stefan Wartinger verstärkt das Wolf Theiss Competition Team

Wien, 12. April 2021 – Wolf Theiss baut seine internationale Competition-Praxisgruppe aus: mit Stefan Wartinger (33) wechselt ein ausgewiesener Kartellrechts-Profi in das Wien-Büro von Wolf Theiss....

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