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Kündigung – Trennung im Guten oder im Bösen: Wie aus Gewitterwölkchen desaströse Unwetter entstehen und wie diese vermieden werden können
Beim gestrigen Wolf Theiss Employment Workshop haben Personalberater Othmar Hill und Wolf Theiss Partner Ralf Peschek wirtschaftspsychologische und arbeitsrechtliche Aspekte von Kündigungen beleuchtet. Fachliche Inputs und praxisbezogene Rollenspiele bildeten dafür den Rahmen....
Groundbreaking changes in the national green energy regulation
Parliament may soon pass new laws for supporting renewable energy. The Government has published a draft legislative package aimed at transforming the present renewable energy support scheme of electricity generation from renewable sources. On the basis of the proposal, most of the electricity generation facilities using renewable energy sources will no longer be eligible to participate in the so-called mandatory off-take system of "green" electricity and to them a new premium based supporting scheme will apply....
Arbitration expert Venus Valentina Wong joins Wolf Theiss
Starting on 1 May 2016, arbitration and litigation lawyer Valentina Wong will join Wolf Theiss. As an expert in arbitration law, she has gathered 12 years of experience and has been involved in more than 60 national and international arbitration and ADR proceedings, both as counsel and arbitrator....
Wolf Theiss named best law firm in Austria at prestigious IFLR awards
Wolf Theiss has been awarded "Best Law Firm in Austria" for the seventh time at the 2016 International Financial Law Review European Awards. The award was presented to Wolf Theiss at a ceremony held on April 22 at the Savoy in London....
Wolf Theiss advises Sportradar in acquisition of core business of Sportsman Media Group
Wolf Theiss has advised the leading provider of innovative data and media products, the Swiss company Sportradar AG, in its acquisition of the core business of the sportsman group. The signing took place on 19 April 2016, and the deal will close pending approval from the relevant competition authorities....
Wolf Theiss has new partner for competition law
This year, the Romanian office of Austrian law firm Wolf Theiss expands its competition and state aid practice by adding new Partner Adrian Șter to its team....
Cyber Attacks: Die ersten 72 Stunden zählen. Die jüngsten Cyberattacken – national und international
Laut aktuellen Schätzungen des FBI liegt der durch Cyber-Delikte verursachte Schaden jenseits der 3 Milliarden US-Dollar-Grenze. Zu den klassischen Hacker-Angriffen gesellen sich in der jüngeren Vergangenheit auch Social Engineering-Attacken. Die ersten 72 Stunden nach einem Cyber-Angriff können für die Rechtsverfolgung entscheidend sein, erklärten Wolf Theiss–Rechtsexperten im Rahmen eines Pressegesprächs....
Wolf Theiss honored in Women in Business Law Awards, winning “Best in Austria”, “Best in Croatia”, “Best in Romania”
Vienna, 22 June 2016 – Following its success at the "European Women in Business Awards" last year, Wolf Theiss has once again won awards for "Best in Austria", "Best in Croatia" and "Best in Romania". The awards ceremony took place in London on 16 June 2016....
Wolf Theiss berät Union Investment bei einem weiteren Ankauf in Wien
Wien, 21.11.2016 - Union Investment hat von der UBM Development AG und der S Immo AG die Projektentwicklung "QBC 3" im Rahmen eines Forward Deals erworben. Das Bürohaus entsteht im neuen Stadtteil "Quartier Belvedere Central" in unmittelbarer Nähe des neuen Wiener Hauptbahnhofs. Auch bei dieser Transaktion setzt Union Investment auf Wolf Theiss....
Wolf Theiss advises Harvia in purchase of Sentiotec
Vienna, 18 November 2016 – Wolf Theiss is advising Harvia Group Oy in its acquisition of sentiotec, the sauna and wellness division of abatec Group. The signing took place on 4 November 2016....
Wolf Theiss hosts International Fraud Group Conference
Vienna, November 17, 2016 – Wolf Theiss hosts today the International Fraud Group (IFG) bi-annual conference in Vienna. 30 members from law firms around the world will attend. Wolf Theiss is the only IFG member representing the CEE/SEE region....