
Press Releases

4 May 2016

Kündigung – Trennung im Guten oder im Bösen: Wie aus Gewitterwölkchen desaströse Unwetter entstehen und wie diese vermieden werden können

Wien, 04. Mai 2016 – Beim gestrigen Wolf Theiss Employment Workshop haben Personalberater Othmar Hill und Wolf Theiss Partner Ralf Peschek wirtschaftspsychologische und arbeitsrechtliche Aspekte von Kündigungen beleuchtet. Fachliche Inputs und praxisbezogene Rollenspiele bildeten dafür den Rahmen. “In jeder Beziehung gibt es Brennpunkte, Reibung und Gewitterwolken. Wenn die Wolken nicht abregnen können, stauen sie sich […]...

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28 April 2016

Arbitration expert Venus Valentina Wong joins Wolf Theiss

Vienna, 28 April 2016 – Starting on 1 May 2016, arbitration and litigation lawyer Valentina Wong will join Wolf Theiss. As an expert in arbitration law, she has gathered 12 years of experience and has been involved in more than 60 national and international arbitration and ADR proceedings, both as counsel and arbitrator. Valentina Wong […]...

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26 April 2016

Wolf Theiss named best law firm in Austria at prestigious IFLR awards

London/Vienna, 26 April 2016 – Wolf Theiss has been awarded “Best Law Firm in Austria” for the seventh time at the 2016 International Financial Law Review European Awards. The award was presented to Wolf Theiss at a ceremony held on April 22 at the Savoy in London. Markus Heidinger, Wolf Theiss Partner and Head of […]...

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21 April 2016

Wolf Theiss has new partner for competition law

Vienna/Bucharest, 21 April 2016 – Wolf Theiss Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG SCA recruits new Partner Adrian Șter in 2016 This year, the Romanian office of Austrian law firm Wolf Theiss expands its competition and state aid practice by adding new Partner Adrian Șter to its team. Adrian Șter has practiced competition law for more […]...

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