
Press Releases

7 October 2020

Expert in criminal law and criminal defence joins Wolf Theiss compliance and corporate investigations team

Prague – 7 October 2020 – Criminal law specialist Ondřej Ambrož joined the Compliance and Corporate Investigations team at the Prague office of Wolf Theiss. Appointed as Counsel, he expanded the group of lawyers specialising in corporate investigations, compliance and corporate criminal liability....

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24 September 2020

Real Estate und Covid-19: Wolf Theiss und CBRE präsentieren aktuelle Trends

- Hotel und Retail erleiden Einbrüche - Wohnimmobilien gelten als "Safe Harbour" Wien, 24.09.2020 - Wolf Theiss und CBRE haben die Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf Immobilien-Anlageklassen und das Immobilienrecht untersucht und heute in einem gemeinsamen Webinar präsentiert. Gegenstand der Untersuchung waren die Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf Büro über den Einzelhandel bis zu Hotel und Logistik....

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21 September 2020

Wolf Theiss advises a syndicate of banks in one of the largest recent office transactions on the Romanian market

Bucharest, 21 September 2020 – Wolf Theiss Bucharest advised a syndicate of banks consisting of Erste Bank Group AG, pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank and Banca Comerciala Romana in relation to a EUR 170 million facility granted to AFI Europe group for the purposes of acquiring NEPI Rockcastle’s office portfolio in Romania....

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21 September 2020

Changes in restructuring may impact the banking sector

Warsaw, 18 September 2020 – The regulations contained in Poland's anti-crisis shield 4.0 will facilitate the restructuring of some companies, but may also adversely affect the banking sector, notes Lech Giliciński, Partner and head of the restructuring, insolvency and distressed investments team at the Wolf Theiss office in Poland....

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8 September 2020

EUR 10 million to med-tech hub to develop diagnostics equipment – Wolf Theiss advises the European Investment Bank

Warsaw, 8 September 2020 – The Wolf Theiss Warsaw team advised the European Investment Bank (EBI) on the provision of financing for Scope Fluidics S.A., a Polish medical technology company which designs disruptive diagnostic systems. The financing will go to the development of new affordable methods for detecting diseases, including COVID-19....

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7 September 2020

Doris Zeller ist neuer Chief Business Development & Marketing Officer bei Wolf Theiss

Wien, 7. September 2020 – Doris Zeller (38) hat mit 1. September die Leitung des Bereichs Business Development & Marketing (BDM) übernommen und ist für die Geschäftsfeldentwicklung von Wolf Theiss in Österreich und CEE/SEE verantwortlich....

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31 August 2020

Wolf Theiss berät Europäische Investitionsbank und UniCredit Bank Austria bei der Finanzierung des Ausbaus eines der größten Windparks Österreichs

Wien, 31. August 2020 – Die EIB und die UniCredit Bank Austria haben bei dieser 107 Millionen Euro-Finanzierung auf die Expertise von Wolf Theiss gesetzt. Mit einer Leistung von 143 Megwatt, 26 Turbinen und einer nachhaltigen Stromversorgung von 90.000 Haushalten zählt der im Burgenland ansässige Windpark zu einem der größten in Österreich....

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31 August 2020

Concept Tower changes the owner. Wolf Theiss Warsaw real estate and construction team oversees successful sale

Warsaw, 28 August 2020 – The Warsaw team, led by Partner Grzegorz Skowroński and Associate Bartosz Kopik, advised Concept Development BSD 2 sp. z o.o. on the sale of Concept Tower, a 15-floor office building located in the new business center of Warsaw....

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27 August 2020

Wolf Theiss berät ALSO Holding bei der Akquisition von dicom

Wien, 27. August 2020 – Wolf Theiss hat die ALSO-Gruppe bei der Übernahme der österreichischen dicom Computer-Vertriebsges.m.b.H. in allen rechtlichen Belangen der Transaktion beraten. Das Signing hat am 19.8.2020 stattgefunden....

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17 August 2020

The Lawyer European Awards 2017: Wolf Theiss Is the “Austrian Law Firm of the Year”

Vienna/London, 17 March 2017 – Wolf Theiss has won in the Lawyer European Awards 2017 in the category "Law Firm of the Year: Austria". Horst Ebhardt, Partner and Head Corporate/M&A, as well as other representatives of the Wolf Theiss Corporate team were at the awards gala in London to receive the award....

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17 August 2020

Wolf Theiss freut sich über IFLR Award 2017: Heta-Deal als “Restructuring Deal of the Year” gekürt

Wien/London, 21. April 2017 - Wolf Theiss wurde bei der Verleihung der 2017 International Financial Law Review European Awards mit dem Preis "Restructuring of the Year" für sein Engagement bei dem Heta-Deal ausgezeichnet. Im Rahmen einer Gala im Hotel Savoy in London hat Claus Schneider, Partner, Praxisgruppe Banking und Finance den Preis am 20. April 2017 entgegengenommen....

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17 August 2020

VAT Mafia targeting electronics distributors

Warsaw, 11 August 2020 – Despite the efforts of the government, the VAT gap is growing, which means that efforts to tighten the tax system are not effective. "Currently, electronics distributors are among the entities most vulnerable to unwitting participation in the VAT carousel procedure," notes Arkadiusz Matusiak, a former prosecutor, expert on fiscal criminal liability and the head of the White-Collar Crime team in Wolf Theiss Warsaw office....

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