Press Releases
Wolf Theiss assists Revetas in the acquisition of Project Marina in Romania
Bucharest, 12 November 2018 – Wolf Theiss assisted funds advised by Revetas Capital Advisors LLP (“Revetas”), a real estate investment advisor focussed on the CEE market, in the acquisition of the Landmark (“Project Marina”), a 23,500 GLA premium office complex located in Bucharest’s Central Business District....
Westcore Europe setzt bei der Akquisition des U6 Center auf die Beratung von Wolf Theiss
Wien, 5. November 2018 – Wolf Theiss hat den Immobilieninvestor und -Manager Westcore Europe beim Kauf des Büro- und Lagerobjekt "U6 Center" in Wien beraten. Verkäufer ist der Hanseatische Immobilienfonds Österreich IV und HCI Treuhandgeschlossener deutscher Immobilienfonds....
Wolf Theiss advises RBI on the placement of a benchmark bond
Vienna, 5 December 2018 – After having finalized a benchmark sized issue of a green bond in July 2018, Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has placed another benchmark sized bond issue in an aggregate principal amount of EUR 500 million. The Wolf Theiss DCM (Debt Capital Markets) team was again in charge of providing RBI with legal advice. The transaction was closed on 4 December, 2018....
Wolf Theiss Tirana advised the lead managers in the Albanian EUR 500 million Eurobond issue
Tirana, November 2018 – Wolf Theiss acted as local counsel advising the lead managers in the Albanian EUR 500 million Eurobond issue...
Wolf Theiss Breakfast: Die neue Know-how-Novelle bietet verbesserten Schutz vor Geheimnisverrat und Wirtschaftsspionage
Wien, 28. November 2018 – Mit der Umsetzung dieser Novelle zum UWG wird der Schutz von Geschäfts- und Betriebsgeheimnissen zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil des Wettbewerbsrechts. Eine erstmals einheitliche Definition des Begriffes Geschäftsgeheimnis, verstärkte Geheimhaltungsmaßnahmen, Sanktionen bei Verletzung von Geschäftsgeheimnissen sowie der Schutz bei Gerichtsverfahren werden Unternehmen künftig bei der rechtlichen Absicherung ihres Know-how helfen, berichten die Experten von Wolf Theiss....
CEE law firm Wolf Theiss assists Search Corporation in the sale of Crystal Tower
Bucharest, 21 November 2018 – The Romanian office of the regional law firm Wolf Theiss assisted Search Corporation, one of the leading engineering companies in Romania providing services of planning, design, consulting and management of road and air transport infrastructure, in the sale of its participation in Plaza Development SRL owning Crystal Tower, the first Romanian office building equipped with a heliport, located in the heart of Bucharest....
Wolf Theiss berät SORAVIA beim Verkauf des Büro- und Hotelkomplexes “The Brick” an die Wiener Städtische Versicherung
Wien, 06. 12. 2018 – SORAVIA hat sein in Bau befindliches Bürogebäude „The Brick“ am Wienerberg im Rahmen eines Forward Purchase Deals an die Wiener Städtische Versicherung verkauft. Wolf Theiss begleitete die Transaktion. Signing und Closing fanden am 21. November 2018 statt....
Diversity and Excellence: Wolf Theiss wählt neues Managementteam
Wien, 10.12.2018 - Mit Andrea Gritsch (37), Sebastian Oberzaucher (40) und Claus Schneider (46) holt Wolf Theiss drei Spitzenjuristen der neuen Generation ins Management. Richard Wolf (56) wurde von der Partnerschaft wieder ins Board gewählt....
Wolf Theiss advises ALSO Holding AG on the acquisition of ABC Data
Warsaw, 18 January 2019 - Wolf Theiss advised ALSO Holding AG, one of the leading providers of ICT distribution, solutions and services in Europe, with a tender offer for 100% of the shares of ABC Data S.A., launched together with MCI....
Wolf Theiss advises DDM Group and B2Holding in the acquisition of an EUR 800 million (face value) NPL portfolio from HETA
Vienna/Zagreb, 17 January 2019 – DDM Group, a multinational investor and manager of distressed assets, together with B2Holding, a leading player in debt purchase and debt collection, rely on the expertise of Wolf Theiss when purchasing a portfolio of distressed assets in Croatia from HETA ASSET RESOLUTION and its Croatian affiliates....
Wolf Theiss Tirana advised the Greek telecommunications group OTE in the agreement to sell Telekom Albania
Tirana, 16.01.2019 – Wolf Theiss Tirana advised OTE in the agreement to sell its controlling stake in Telekom Albania...
Wolf Theiss acts for rent24 in a joint venture transaction with the Ukrainian co-working company Chasopys
Kyiv, 20 December 2018 - The Ukrainian office of Wolf Theiss advised rent24, the leading international co-working and co-living solutions company headquartered in Germany, on its entering the Ukrainian market and a joint venture with a Ukrainian pioneer in the co-working solutions business – the Chasopys Group....