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Wolf Theiss hosts International Fraud Group Conference

Vienna, 17 November 2016 – Wolf Theiss hosts today the International Fraud Group (IFG) bi-annual conference in Vienna. 30 members from law firms around the world will attend. Wolf Theiss is the only IFG member representing the CEE/SEE region.

“It’s an honour for us to host the IFG conference in Vienna. This high-level group of lawyers from law firms all over the world will discuss new trends regarding fraudulent schemes in CEE/SEE. There will be a strong focus on how the interests of victims can be protected and assets quickly recovered. In addition, there will be a discussion about how a strict corporate criminal law influences the behaviour of companies”, explains Clemens Trauttenberg, Head of Dispute Resolution and Wolf Theiss partner.

In contrast to the USA, the EU has many different corporate criminal regimes. Some of the large Member States have rather basic systems and weak sanctions for corporate crime. “The participants of the IFG bi-annual conference will discuss whether a strict system resembling the US principles would lead to a change in corporate behaviour towards a higher awareness of a compliant structure and, in turn, if this would create a locational advantage or disadvantage for European companies”, Trauttenberg comments on today’s agenda.

The International Fraud Group began in London in 1997. Established by leading London firm, Mishcon de Reya, it was organized to address the specific needs of clients and to assist them in recovering stolen assets that have been disbursed in multiple jurisdictions. In the 19 years since this invitation only alliance was created, it has become a permanent global network. Member law firms are selected for their regional expertise and tenacity to defeat fraudsters. Today it is an elite group of handpicked lawyers across 21 countries. Wolf Theiss is the law firm representing the CEE / SEE Region.

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