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Wolf Theiss Partner Jitka Logesová appointed as co-chair of the IBA anti-corruption committee

“It is a great honour for me since I consider the committee to be an extremely important platform for all experts from across the world and different areas of our field. They meet at our events, exchange knowledge and best practices. Moreover, we are currently working on many interesting and important projects that I am looking forward to see progressing. We have recently, after the intense two-year work, completed an analysis of structured settlements for corruption offences. The aim of the project is to define global standards for such settlements”, says Jitka who is Co-Chairing the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee along with Leah Ambler.

“In the Czech Republic the conclusion of the analysis might be an important inspiration for legislators when amending the current law, in particular with reference to the guilt and punishment agreements, or when drafting completely new legislation. The analysis is already available on the IBA website and will be officially presented in London on 6 March,” says Logesová.

Jitka is a Wolf Theiss corporate law partner with more than 20 years of experience. Over the past 9 years, she has been specialising in corporate investigations, compliance, asset recovery, white collar crime and corporate criminal liability. One of her main goals at Wolf Theiss, which she joined in October 2018 and where she serves as the Managing Partner of the Prague office, is to develop the regional corporate investigations practice within the 13 jurisdictions across the CEE/SEE region.  

Jitka has wide experience in various sectors and was, among others, named in the Global Investigations Review’s 2018 Women in Investigations. In 2018, she was tasked by the Czech Prosecutor General’s Office to help draft the methodology for state prosecutors on how to evaluate corporate compliance management systems and to educate the Czech state prosecutors in this respect. In addition to her membership in the IBA, she is an exclusive member of ICC FraudNet for the Czech Republic.

Since its foundation in 1947, the IBA comprises around 80,000 lawyers from most of the world’s leading law firms as well as 190 bar associations and law societies from more than 170 countries.  

The IBA Anti-Corruption Committee is the platform where representatives of the private and public sector regularly meet to discuss the latest trends, anti-corruption laws or compliance and asset recovery measures. The committee members meet twice a year and organize a conference annualy. The 2019 conference will take place from 22 to 27 September in Seoul.

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