
Blockchain & Crypto Assets

29 June 2023

Country Update-Poland: Crypto-asset regulation

This article by our experts originally written for and published by Thomson Reuters, delves into the turbulent nature of the crypto-assets sector and the increasing calls for regulation to balance its potential benefits with the need to minimize financial crime and protect investors. It highlights the ongoing consultation by the International Organisation of Securities Commissions […]...

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23 April 2019

Yes, no, maybe – should the crypto space be regulated?

Recently, the ANON blockchain summit took place in Vienna. Niklas Schmidt, head of our firm-wide tax team and cryptocurrency expert, joined a panel on the role of regulation in the crypto space. How should the different types of crypto assets be treated from a regulatory perspective? And how should the fast-moving world of cryptocurrencies and […]...

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21 May 2018

Financial Industry goes Blockchain

Blockchain technology is no longer science fiction, it has become reality! Our Banking and Finance team partnered with Erste Group in developing the first paperless blockchain-only Schuldscheindarlehen (a debt instrument) issue in Europe! The benefits are obvious: thanks to digitization, issuance processes are now a lot faster and offer more transparency and certainty for all […]...

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8 November 2017

Blockchain – Hype oder Realität?

Hinter Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin und Ethereum steht das Prinzip der Blockchain. Wie funktioniert die Blockchain und welche anderen Anwendungsfälle abseits von Kryptowährungen gibt es? Wird die Blockchain die Welt verändern?...

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