

23 May 2024

Sustainable Law

Shaping the ESG Future Discover the profound impact of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors on the legal landscape. Wolf Theiss is committed to shaping the ESG future by offering sustainable legal solutions. Gain valuable insights into the intersection of law and sustainability and how it influences business practices globally. Banking & Finance Explore the […]...

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17 April 2024

Green Deal: Can Europe even afford sustainability?

Europe’s path in the Green Deal: Can Europe even afford sustainability?With the Green Deal, the European Commission has set the path towards climate protection and a resource-efficient and more sustainable economy. The EU should become climate neutral by 2050. The dynamics of European environmental policy have gained momentum since the introduction of the Green Deal […]...

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5 March 2024

ESG at Wolf Theiss – our impact, our risks and chances

In this episode of our Soundshot podcast, Birgit Kraml and Jela Mohr discuss the topic of “ESG at Wolf Theiss”.The two experts explain the responsibilities of Wolf Theiss as a law firm. They explore the importance of sustainability for companies and service providers, the impact a law firm has environmentally, but also its social responsibility, […]...

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19 January 2024

Office Talk – ESG, things are getting serious

The Green Deal as the new growth strategy of the European Union aiming to transform the Union into a resource-efficient and competitive economy with no net emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) by 2050 has already started. As of 2024 the Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSDR) becomes applicable for large companies and listed SMEs as well as […]...

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6 November 2023

ESG in the real estate industry – focus on the hotel industry

With the Green Deal, the European Commission has set the path towards climate protection and a resource-efficient and more sustainable economy. The EU should become climate neutral by 2050. The real estate industry, as one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, plays a key factor in implementing these goals. ESG and sustainability are therefore […]...

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3 November 2023

Real Estate Lounge 2

Successful real estate restructuring – legal and practical aspects What do you do when things don’t go as planned? The changed macroeconomic environment has put a large number of properties and real estate projects in a difficult situation. The earlier you act, the better the chances of a successful turnaround. In the new episode of […]...

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11 October 2023

The future of Vienna city planning

The future of Vienna city planning: Wishes of an outside insider An evening with Christoph Chorherr An event by Wolf Theiss and the Urban Land Institute Christoph Chorherr was one of the most influential green politicians in Vienna and had a lasting impact on city planning with his ideas: at the beginning of the millennium […]...

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2 October 2023

2023 Romanian Chapter Update: WT Guide for RES Electricity in CEE & SEE

Since 2020, the ambitious targets adopted by the EU Member States for 2030 have proven to be a significant catalyst for the development of renewable energy projects in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CEE/SEE). Meanwhile, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine emphasizes the increased urgency and need for energy security for all European nations as they […]...

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5 September 2023

ESG in the real estate industry – focus on existing buildings

With the Green Deal, the European Commission has pointed the way towards climate protection and a resource-efficient and more sustainable economy. By 2050, the EU should become climate-neutral. The real estate industry, as one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, plays a key factor in the implementation of these goals. ESG and sustainability are […]...

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23 August 2023

Photovoltaics for sustainable real estate

Photovoltaics on buildings is becoming more and more mandatory in order to meet sustainability requirements. Even large-volume retail and commercial properties can often be fitted with solar panels relatively easily. This gives rise to new legal questions: Our interdisciplinary team of experts in real estate and energy law will explain the opportunities and challenges of […]...

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16 August 2023

New set of energy laws adopted in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH)

On 31 July 2023, the FBiH adopted a set of reform energy laws aimed at harmonising domestic energy legislation with the European Union and Energy Community acquis, i.e. the following: The Law on Electricity of the FBiH and the Law on Energy and Regulation of Energy Activities in the FBiH have been published in the […]...

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11 August 2023

ESMA’s Public Statement on ESG in Prospectuses

This Client Alert is also available in German. On 11 July 2023, the European Securities and Markets Authority (“ESMA”) published a public statement (“ESMA Statement”) regarding sustainability-related disclosure requirements in prospectuses for both equity and non-equity securities. 1. Introduction ESMA emphasises that a material sustainability-related disclosure is expected to be included in prospectuses and in […]...

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